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Teddy Sheringham calls on Spurs fans to buy into Ange Postecoglou

Teddy Sheringham calls on Tottenham fans to not lose perspective on the kind of football they were watching under Antonio Conte and makes a big call about the team’s trophy ambitions this season.

Credit: Sky Sports

Is the tide starting to turn against Ange Postecoglou?

While Postecoglou still has the backing of the majority of the Tottenham fan base and probably the club’s hierarchy, it does seem like the tide has been slowly but surely starting to turn against the Spurs boss.

That might sound like a ridiculous suggestion, given that the Lilywhites are just three points off third place and still going strong in the cups, but one look at social media tells you that a lot of supporters are frustrated with the side’s lack of consistency.

The 4-0 win over Man City will have Spurs fans on a high this week, but that is sure to come crashing down again if they fail to beat Fulham at home.

One thing we know for a fact is that Postecoglou is not one to change his methods, and Sheringham is glad that is the case.

(Credit @thefrederikkejensen / Instagram)

Teddy Sheringham reminds Spurs fans what they were watching

Sheringham called on Tottenham fans to cast their mind back to the kind of drab football that they were watching under the likes of Jose Mourinho and Antonio Conte.

The 58-year-old admitted that he enjoys watching Spurs a lot more these days and called on the supporters to get behind Postecoglou.

He told Best Offshore Sportsbooks (as relayed by Football.London): “Everyone at the club has bought into it completely, without a doubt, and I think Tottenham fans should as well because they must be more excited in this last season and a half than they have been for the last five years under Mourinho and Conte where you’re watching a team hoping to get a breakaway goal and nick a result against Norwich at home, Southampton at home.

“Now Tottenham are creating at least 10, 12 chances in every game they play. You’ve got to be happy with that. He’s getting bums off seats, you’re up, you’re excited. You’re optimistic, you’re gonna get a chance, you’re gonna score.

“Alright, sometimes things don’t go your way, and I don’t know what the atmosphere was like against Ipswich, but the vibe in general is great. I go there thinking I’m going to see excitement, chances, goalscoring opportunities, so I’m optimistic.”

Photo by SpursWeb

Tim Sherwood on Tottenham’s trophy ambitions

Sherwood remarked that the main focus of the side should be to end their 16-year trophy drought by winning a cup competition this season.

He suggested that Tottenham’s inconsistency in the Premier League may not necessarily stop them from going all the way in the Carabao Cup or Europa League.

The pundit added: “Without a doubt, the objective for Tottenham is to win something this season. They’ve got to win something. Postecoglou told us that he always wins something in the second season and I’m fully behind him. They’ve got a team that is inconsistent. They’re in for three – the cups – and you can afford to be a bit inconsistent in those because it’s game-to-game.

“The cups represent a great opportunity for Tottenham to put some silverware in the trophy cabinet. You can be inconsistent and still win something. Man United showed that last season with Erik Ten Hag. Hopefully, they can win games at the right times because they’ve got the right firepower to win a cup this season.

“Ange obviously said that he always wins something in his second season, which if he doesn’t them I’m sure people will ridicule him for saying that.

“However, I think he has been a touch misquoted as what he was saying is that he’s done that at previous clubs and that’s what he hopes to do again. It’s all the outsiders that are ridiculing him. If you listen to what he actually said, he didn’t come out and say I’m going to win a trophy at Tottenham this season.”

The post Teddy Sheringham calls on Spurs fans to buy into Ange Postecoglou appeared first on Spurs Web.

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