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СК возбудил дело после нападения на избирательный участок в Абхазии

Норвежская компания приостановила поставки топлива для армии США, сообщают медиа.

Замглавы Минобороны Евкуров посетил ЦАР и встретился с президентом Туадерой

Человек погиб в ДТП на Севастопольском проспекте в Москве

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Bellator champions Patchy Mix, Patricio 'Pitbull,' Corey Anderson air frustration with PFL over lack of fights

Despite PFL boasting itself as a pro-fighter organization, the complaints from athletes since the company purchased Bellator continue to increase.

The latest round of grievances is headed by current Bellator bantamweight champion Patchy Mix, light heavyweight titleholder Corey Anderson and featherweight kingpin Patricio Freire, who are upset about what they say is a lack of communication from the PFL brass about the next steps in their careers.

Anderson (18-6), who hasn’t competed since he won the vacant 205-pound strap against Karl Moore in March, opened the floodgates Wednesday when he posted on social media that he’s been waiting for the phone to ring with information about his first title defense (via X):

Mix (20-1), who has been out of action since he defended his belt against Magomed Magomedov in May, criticized the company for leaving him in the dark about his next fight after his scheduled title defense against Leandro Higo in November was called off when the entire event was canceled (via X):

Sunday, “Pitbull” Freire (36-7), who has the most fights, wins and title fight victories in the history of the Bellator brand, joined in with a lengthy complaint of his own, pointing out numerous ongoing issues (via X):

After PFL acquired Bellator in November 2023, the strategy shared by PFL Co-Founder Donn Davis was that Bellator would continue with eight Bellator Champions Series events over the course of the year, all of which would feature at least two championship bouts.

That plan did not unfold as promised. Only five events took place, and just one included multiple title fights. Moreover, the Bellator brand now appears to be getting phased out.

An event recently was announced for Jan. 25 in Dubai featuring Bellator lightweight champion Usman Nurmagomedov taking on Paul Hughes in the headlining spot, but it has been titled as the Road to Dubai series, with minimal Bellator branding associated.

There’s a cloud of uncertainty hanging for not just the public, but the fighters, as well. In addition to Freire, Mix and Anderson, other fighters have expressed similar feelings of being left out of the loop with their career management (via X):

PFL executives have yet to respond to any of the recent fighter complaints. Former Bellator middleweight champion Gegard Mousasi was another high-profile fighter who opted to go public about his situation with Bellator earlier this year, claiming the company would not book him under his contracted wage and attempted to renegotiate. He was released from his contract, and currently is pursuing a lawsuit for breach of contract.

Former Bellator welterweight champion Yaroslav Amosov and 170-pound veteran Sabah Homasi also have shared gripes with the company.

Longtime MMA coach Duke Roufus, who is the coach of former Bellator bantamweight champion Sergio Pettis, also recently issued a statement with concerns about how the company is handling its athletes.

“The elephant in the room in the MMA world right now: What is going on with PFL and Bellator?” Roufus said. “As a former fighter, I have a different perspective than managers or people who run it because I understand, being a former fighter and these guys I train, that time is of the essence. You can always make more money – you can’t make more time in life and time is of the essence for these guys to create their goals and legacies and how they make their living. They don’t get paid to train, they get paid to fight.

“My man Sergio Pettis has not fought for Bellator since Nov. 17 of last year. He was given permission to fight for RIZIN on June 3. That was not on his contract. And he was just offered a fight in Japan that we heard through our Japanese contact, but that was for RIZIN – but there’s no date in site. This is very tough for these fighters. Communication would be great right now. The organizations are quiet. The managers are quiet while the fighters are waiting. I don’t think it’s fair. Can someone spit out some answers here? The UFC already has all their dates planned through March. I’m a small-time MMA promoter and I’ve already got an April event on the books and I’m nobody. … How can a major organization coming into the new year not have any dates on the books and no answers for these fighters? Please. Somebody. Let me know.”

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Норвежская компания приостановила поставки топлива для армии США, сообщают медиа.

СК возбудил дело после нападения на избирательный участок в Абхазии

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