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Слова Орбана о Германии заставили журналиста Карлсона расхохотаться в эфире

Малыши капибары и гориллы родились в Московском зоопарке

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Кирилл Григорьев с рабочим визитом посетил Орехово-Зуево

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‘Can’t wait to try!’, shoppers rave over Aldi selling new dupe of Brits’ snack favourite for just £1.49

ALDI shoppers are raving over a new dupe of a hugely popular crisp brand for a fraction of the price.

To celebrate the release of the Wicked movie, Aldi UK took the opportunity to get in on the action and share images of their new dupe of Pringles.

Aldi UK
Aldi shared pictures of two of its Pringles dupes available for a fraction of the cost[/caption]
Aldi’s dupes are on offer for under £1.50 while most stores sell Pringles for over £2.00 (stock)[/caption]

In honour of the film, they shared a picture of two pink and green Stackz tubes.

The Snackrite crisps are the same shape and come in the same packaging as Pringles.

However, the Aldi dupe is a fraction of the cost at just £1.49 each.

Most tubes of Pringles are priced at above £2 in other stores, with £2.20 being the standard at Tesco and Morrisons and £2.25 at Sainsbury’s.

The colour and flavour combinations of Stackz are exactly the same as their inspiration.

So, like with Pringles, the green tube is sour cream and onion and the pink is prawn cocktail which sparked excitement among shoppers.

“Ooh – not seen the prawn ones before!!,” one wrote in the comments on Facebook.

“Can’t wait to try,” another said.

A third confirmed that the “prawn ones are so delicious.”

Aldi is set to get a rush on the prawn cocktail-flavoured snacks with some vowing to buy lots of them.

“OMG me & Jarvy will buy a crate of prawn cocktail!” one said.

“Didn’t know you did them.”

But, the news has not pleased everyone as shoppers predict the huge popularity of the dupes.

Once concerned shopper said: “Will you please stop telling everyone about my favourite things you sell?

Here's how to cut the cost of your grocery shop

SAVING on your shop can make a big difference to your wallet. Here are some tips from Hannah Maundrell, editor of Money.co.uk, about how you can cut the cost of your shopping bills:

  • Write yourself a list – Only buy items that you need. If it isn’t on your list, don’t put it in the trolley
  • Create a budget – Work out a weekly budget for your food shopping
  • Never shop hungry – You are far more likely to buy  more food if your tummy is rumbling
  • Don’t buy pre-chopped veggies or fruit – The extra they’ll charge for chopping can be eye watering
  • Use social media – Follow your favourite retailers to find out about the latest deals
  • Be disloyal – You may want to go to different stores to find the best bargains
  • Check the small print –  It’s always worth checking the price per kg/lb/litre when comparing offers so you’re making a like for like decision as a bigger box won’t necessarily mean you get more
  • Use your loyalty cards – Don’t be afraid to sign up to them all. They all work slightly differently – work out what bonus suits you better and remember to trade in your points for additional rewards

“Every time you do, they’re out of stock when I go shopping.”

Referencing a song from Wicked another shopper vowed that the Aldi dupe would be “Popular!”

“I’d rather eat my body weight in these than watch Wicked tbf,” an honest commenter added.

Others decided to pass on their own suggestions for future flavours they want to see in store with many being inspired by those on offer from Pringles.

Some shoppers went as far as to say that they would never buy Pringles again if their favourite flavour was added.

One said: “You need to make paprika ones and then I’ll never need to buy the other brand ever again.”

“Worcester sauce flavour please,” another requested.

They got a promising response from the discount chain which passed on the information and admitted the idea made them hungry.

Others who saw the interaction said the flavour would be “elite.”

Another threat to the popularity of Pringles is that they have become a victim of shrinkflation.

While the size of the tube has reduced, the price has not.

One shopper shared how the Sour Cream and Onion Pringles cans that weighed 200g now weigh 185g but still sell for a recommended price of £2.25.

But there is also a threat to Aldi’s Pringles dupe with rival Lidl sharing five new Pringles flavours for just £1.75.

Pringles have been subjected to shrinkflation claims which makes dupes even more attractive to shoppers (stock)[/caption]

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