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State lawmakers, companies prepare to push back against DEI, 'woke' initiatives: experts

EXCLUSIVE: Some state lawmakers and companies will be preparing to roll back major Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies that are present in nearly every major U.S. industry, including the military, according to experts and a Republican attorney general.

The DEI topic was back in the news last week due to an intense exchange between lawmakers during a markup of the "Dismantle DEI" bill in the House. Progressive firebrand Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Tex., lambasted a Republican congressman who referred to DEI policies as "oppression."

"There has been no oppression for the white man in this country," Crockett said. "You tell me which white men were dragged out of their homes. You tell me which one of them got dragged all the way across an ocean and told that you are gonna go work, we are gonna steal your wives, we are gonna rape your wives. That didn’t happen. That is oppression."


The incoming Trump administration will likely target many DEI initiatives. In 2020, then-President Trump issued an executive order to ban "divisive" training for federal contractors. And the House Oversight Committee held a hearing this week about dismantling DEI policies. 

"It is a multibillion-dollar industry that pushes a left-wing, far-left ideological orthodoxy in essentially every area of American life, which is why I've begun to call it the DEI enterprise, instead of just DEI, so that people have a sense of what I'm talking about," Devon Westhill, constitutional and civil rights attorney, told Fox News Digital in an interview. 

Westhill, who researches DEI policies at the Center for Equal Opportunity, a Washington, D.C.-based conservative think tank, said DEI isn't interested in "diversity of thought, true diversity," but rather, it is "interested in racial quotas."

Over the last four years, the Biden-Harris administration has encouraged DEI initiatives across several sectors of the federal government.

In 2021, Biden widened an executive order directing agencies to assess and "remove barriers" to equal opportunity through DEI policies. Another executive order signed that year was a government-wide initiative to embed DEI principles in federal hiring.

The Department of Education has also released reports encouraging DEI on public university campuses. The Biden-Harris administration also invested in DEI programs within the U.S. military.

Large corporations across the U.S. have also adopted DEI workplace policies, including Accenture, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Marriott International, Kaiser Permanente, EY (Ernst & Young), Target, Google, Bank of America and American Express.


"It wasn't so much a dollars and cents motivation [for corporations]," Will Hild, executive director of Consumer's Research, told Fox News Digital in an interview. "You had it coming from the federal government, where if you wouldn't go along with under the Biden administration, with the DEI regime, they were threatening to sue you, or to claim that you're violating civil rights of minorities. So, it was more a combination of the threat of bad press or government action against these corporations."

Hild said he expected to see over the next year many red state attorneys general "start suing these corporations" for hiring based on racial quotas. Consumers have also suffered as a result of DEI policies, he said, arguing that it shifted companies' focus away from the quality of goods.


The integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and DEI benchmarks has also influenced investment decisions and pension fund strategies. Pension funds have been increasingly incorporating ESG and DEI considerations into their investment processes over the last four years. 

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird said this will be one area of focus her office will examine. 

"We want to make sure that we are protecting people's pensions, because no one's retirement and life savings should be gambled for these woke ESG and DEI goals," Bird said. "And so that means that our work with that issue will continue, whether it's the investment managers or the proxy advisers, you know, making sure that these pensions are being invested, so that it's there for people when they need it, and not for any kind of social engineering or other types of woke political goals."

Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for comment.

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