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Exact date Aldi’s bringing back Bluey toy range – and it’s just in time for Christmas shopping

ALDI is bringing back its Bluey toy range just in time for Christmas shopping.

The bargain supermarket is relaunching the exclusive collection, inspired by the Aussie cartoon.

Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK
Shoppers have been going wild for the new Bluey range[/caption]
Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK
The range includes all Bluey favourites[/caption]

The products include the popular soft chairs featuring both Bluey and Bingo.

Aldi has revealed that the range will be available in stores from November 28 for one week.

But the German supermarket warned that shoppers will need to act fast if they want to grab the Specialbuys items.

Shoppers have already begun to plan their shopping trips.

One posted on the Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK group sharing a photo of the Aldi magazine.

They said: “For all the Bluey parents! Coming to Aldi 28th November 2024!”

The post received over 2.7k comments and more than 560 likes.

One shopper commented: “I like the Christmas Bluey! It’s getting there before they all go.”

A second wrote: “Omg I really hope I can get one this time.”

A third tagged their pal and posted: “If you see these in your Aldi I’ll get them for Xmas.”

While a fourth said: “Bet he would love a Bluey chair, it will be carnage trying to get one though.”

And a fifth declared: “Need the Gabby one for Christmas.”

Another said: “Omg I’m sooo going hunting for the chairs.”

As always, remember to check elsewhere in case we missed a cheaper price – there’s never a bad time to catch a bargain.

Prices may vary day to day as well depending on what deals are on, and remember to look at delivery costs too if you’re ordering online.

The Latest Deals app also lets you search items and helps you compare prices at several supermarkets to see where it’s cheaper.

Other chains also sell Bluey merchandise so it’s definitely worth keeping an eye out for other deals.

Mega Bluey Soft Toy

You can pick up a toy for £39.99[/caption]

One of the toys hitting stores next Thursday is the Mega Bluey Soft Toy.

Aldi says: “This soft toy from their favourite animation will become the best bedtime and travel companion.

“It’s a great addition to their soft toy collection.”

It’s approximately 35.5 x 33.7 x 81.2cm and weighs 1.6kg.

You can pick it up for £39.99.

Bluey Plush Chair

Aldi Specialbuys include the popular Bluey chairs

Aldi shoppers can choose from one of these Bingo, Muffin or Bluey chairs.

They cost £24.99 each and are suitable for 18 plus months.

Aldi says: “Take a seat on this Bluey Plush Chair. This comfortable and fun chair will be the perfect addition to your little one’s room.

“Add a piece of furniture that they’ll absolutely love.

“Especially with it being based on one of their favourite characters!”

It’s approximately 52 x 50 x 55cm.

Bluey Soft Toy

The toys come in 16 characters[/caption]

These soft, cuddly Bluey Plush Soft Toys come in a range of Bluey characters.

At 19cm tall these plush are just the “perfect” size for a child to cuddle and take anywhere.

You can choose 16 characters: Playtime Bluey, Playtime Bingo, Snickers, Coco, Rusty, Muffin, Mackenzie, Lucky, Chloe, Honey, Socks, Winton, Lila, Chattermax, Bob Bilby, Christmas Hat Bluey, or Christmas Hat Bingo.

Aldi says: “Made with deluxe fabrics and featuring embroidered details, this super-soft plush doubles as a cuddly toy for showtime or storytime.

“Collect all of Bluey’s plush friends so your kids can create their own Bluey adventures.”

How to bag a bargain

SUN Savers Editor Lana Clements explains how to find a cut-price item and bag a bargain…

Sign up to loyalty schemes of the brands that you regularly shop with.

Big names regularly offer discounts or special lower prices for members, among other perks.

Sales are when you can pick up a real steal.

Retailers usually have periodic promotions that tie into payday at the end of the month or Bank Holiday weekends, so keep a lookout and shop when these deals are on.

Sign up to mailing lists and you’ll also be first to know of special offers. It can be worth following retailers on social media too.

When buying online, always do a search for money off codes or vouchers that you can use vouchercodes.co.uk and myvouchercodes.co.uk are just two sites that round up promotions by retailer.

Scanner apps are useful to have on your phone. Trolley.co.uk app has a scanner that you can use to compare prices on branded items when out shopping.

Bargain hunters can also use B&M’s scanner in the app to find discounts in-store before staff have marked them out.

And always check if you can get cashback before paying which in effect means you’ll get some of your money back or a discount on the item.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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