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‘She took on power and won’ – Brave Nikita Hand hailed after McGregor verdict amid DPP ‘impossible to prosecute’ update

BRAVE rape survivor Nikita Hand was last night hailed for changing Irish society — as her attacker launched a furious rant online.

Taoiseach Simon Harris and Justice Minister Helen McEntee yesterday paid tribute to the 35-year-old’s courage after she won her civil action against ­disgraced MMA fighter Conor McGregor on Friday.

Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor and partner Dee Devlin leave the High Court in Dublin
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Nikita Hand speaking to the media outside the High Court in Dublin after the personal injury case against Conor McGregor
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Nikita was awarded almost €250,000
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The crusading mum of one was awarded almost €250,000 in damages after a High Court jury ruled she was “brutally” raped and “battered” by the UFC star in a Dublin hotel penthouse six years ago.

Taoiseach Harris yesterday made a personal phone call to Ms Hand to offer his full support and solidarity following her horror ordeal.

Justice Minister McEntee also ­commended the Dublin woman for her “bravery and determination” after winning her civil rape case against 36-year-old McGregor.

And amid a major spike in other victims of sexual assaults contacting support groups, Cliona Saidlear, the executive director of Rape Crisis Network Ireland, declared Nikita had “changed Ireland for the better”.

Cliona told The Irish Sun on ­Sunday: “Nikita’s strength shines through in this verdict.

“She took this fight on at ­incredible personal risk to herself and she did it for her daughter, for her future and for all survivors.

“She took on power and won. Our admiration and gratitude cannot be overstated. As a society her courage has changed us for the better.”

Taoiseach Harris took time out of the General Election campaign yesterday to speak with Ms Hand following the landmark verdict.

The Fine Gael leader said: “I spoke with Nikita today. I wanted to thank her for her incredible bravery, her courage.

“I wanted to make sure that she knew how much solidarity and support there was across this ­country for her bravery.

“I also wanted to make sure she knew of what the Dublin Rape ­Crisis Centre had said. That so many other women have now come forward in relation to their own experiences of sexual abuse as a result of Nikita’s bravery.

“I wanted to speak with her. I wanted to wish her and her daughter Freya all the very best. I was very grateful to talk to Nikita today.

“Her bravery, her courage, her voice has made a real difference in a country in which we must ­continue to work to get to zero tolerance when it comes to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.”


Justice Minister McEntee also lauded Ms Hand’s bravery in taking the case and said she had shown “there is light at the end of the tunnel”.

The Fine Gael deputy leader said: “I just want to ­commend Nikita for her bravery, for her determination and the leadership that she has shown in what has been — I’ve no doubt — a very, very difficult time for her and indeed, for her family. Because of wonderful people like Nikita, I hope it shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that there are supports available to people, and that there is justice at the end of the day.”

Ms Hand told her civil trial she felt “absolutely devastated and let down” when the Director of Public Prosecutions told her that no criminal ­prosecution would be taken against McGregor after she made a complaint to Gardai.

In a letter to the former hair colourist in August 2020, they said there was “insufficient evidence” and there was not a reasonable prospect of conviction.

Ms Hand asked the DPP to review the decision, ­saying she felt she was being treated ­differently because one of the suspects was famous.


Quizzed yesterday about the DPP’s decision not to prosecute McGregor, both the Taoiseach and the Justice Minister ducked questions over the issue.

Ms McEntee insisted “there should never be any political interference in that process”.

But following her civil trial victory on Friday, supporters of Ms Hand have called for the DPP to review the case.

But The Irish Sun on Sunday can reveal the DPP will not reinvestigate unless dramatic new evidence is uncovered.

Its director reviewed the file and said the case was very ­complex and there was no ­reasonable prospect of conviction for either McGregor or pal James Lawrence, the co-defendant who was not found liable.


And we can reveal that the prospect of the case being reopened and criminal charges following, is highly unlikely.

A legal source told us: “It is basically impossible for them to prosecute now.

“The civil trial would only have proceeded once a final decision not to prosecute was taken.

“So unless new evidence is ­discovered, then it’s not going to happen.”

Amid the fallout of the civil case, McGregor ­yesterday took to social media to unleash a series of wild outbursts.

In a furious tirade, the thug hit out at Ms Hand and vowed to appeal.

McGregor blasted reporting of the case — and also “congratulated” close pal ­Lawrence after the jury ruled he did not assault Ms Hand.

James Lawrence, co-defendant of mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor was not found liable
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The Beacon Hotel in Dublin
Taoiseach Simon Harris spoke to Nikita
Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee
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Dr Cliona Saidlear

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