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I’m an interior expert – the perfect temperature to keep your home to prevent condensation

AN INTERIOR expert has revealed the perfect temperature to stop condensation and mould from forming in your home.

It’s a common problem in winter months when snow and freezing temperatures sweep in across the country.

Mold in the corner of the plastic windows.[/caption]

As as Storm Bert batters Scotland this weekend – bringing with it “horrendous” road conditions, foot-deep snow and torrential rain – people have already started looking for ways to keep their homes safe.

Condensation on windows occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with cold surfaces.

Windows are often colder than insulated walls, so condensation is more likely to occur on them.

This, in turn, can drip onto surfaces and cause mould which not only looks awful inside the home but can also be a pain to get rid of.

It can also be dangerous to our health if left untreated.

In a bid to help Scots this winter, experts have revealed the optimal temperature to keep your home at to prevent it from forming.

They also urged people to keep their radiators off during the night.

Not only can this cause mould to form, but it can also result in high energy bills and lead to health concerns.

Rebecca Swain, mattress expert from Winstons Beds, warns that it could result in unpleasant coughs, nasal congestion, and even swelling in the feet.

But there’s also a high chance that it may heighten the risk of mould developing on walls due to moisture being trapped in the air.

The experts recommend maintaining a bedroom temperature between 17C to 19C to get rid of condensation.

This range is also perfect for sleeping through without developing any health issues.

Rebecca said: “We’ve arrived at that time of the year where many of us have had to turn our radiators on because of the cold temperatures.

“While many of us like to heat our bedrooms so we can get to sleep comfortably, we want to urge people not to keep the heating on throughout the entire night.

“The optimum temperature to sleep in is from 17 to 19C.

“Any higher can result in dry skin, coughing, sneezing and even mould taking over.”

Why you shouldn’t sleep with the heating on

ALTHOUGH keeping the heating on at night can cause mould problems, it is also bad for your health.

Rebecca Swain has revealed the health issues that could arise if you do this during the winter.

  1. Dry skin – The warm air will strip natural oils from the skin which can cause dryness and itchiness to occur if the heating is left on overnight.
  2. Difficulty breathing – The heating can dry out the air and make the room feel stuffy and uncomfortable to sleep in. It can make it feel harder to breathe in and cause dry throats and nasty coughs.
  3. Sweaty sleep – It can become quite uncomfortable sleeping with the heating on especially if it causes excess sweat in the bed. Avoid having the heating on at night otherwise, you’ll face having to remove stubborn yellow stains from bedding.
  4. Wasted energy – One of the most shocking results of having the heating on during the night will be the cost of the energy bill at the end of the month. If you want a budget-friendly way to keep warm in the bedroom, opt for fluffy socks and a hot water bottle.
  5. Mould on the walls – While having the heating on for a short period in the morning can help prevent mould growth, having it on all night can cause the warmer air to hold and trap excess moisture. When the warm air comes into contact with the cold windows, it can cause window condensation which can develop into a mould problem.
  6. Triggers allergies – Stuffy noses and sneezing are common problems to suffer from in the morning by having the radiators turned on at night. Radiators can accumulate high levels of dust which causes allergies to flare up.
  7. Swollen feet – Our feet tend to swell when our body is trying to cool down and regulate its temperature. If you notice you’re waking up with swollen feet, this could be an indication that you’re sleeping in a room where the temperature is too high.
  8. Bug haven – Pesky bugs like fleas, flies and bedbugs thrive in warm environments so don’t be surprised if you notice tiny specs on the bedding. Spray some peppermint oil around the room to help deter them.

It comes after a home expert told how residents in newer properties may face increased condensation issues.

A newer three-bedroom house can absorb as much as 7,000 litres of water during construction, which is released as it dries.

Modern buildings, which are often sealed with insulation, also lack the natural ventilation of older homes, trapping moisture.

Condensation can also be caused by cooking, showering, washing up, doing laundry, gas or paraffin heaters, and even indoor plants.

Addressing mould and condensation issues early can avoid costly repairs to paintwork, window fittings, and curtains.

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