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Max Verstappen: Young, gifted and single-minded four-time F1 champion

The close battle this season brought out the fighter in an often under-pressure Verstappen and again drew criticism for his willingness to push the rules in his brushes with rivals.

Verstappen shrugged off condemnation of the way he tried to hold off title rival Lando Norris in the Mexican Grand Prix.

"I think I know what I am doing," he said. "Some people are just a bit biased, I get it, it's fine. It's not my problem at the end of the day."

Verstappen comes from racing stock. His Dutch father Jos drove in eight Formula One seasons. His mother, Sophie Kumpen, was a Belgian karting champion.

He started karting in 2005 and mopped up titles as he progressed through classes, finishing with a record-setting season in 2013.

Verstappen spent the 2014 season winning races in F3. He joined the Red Bull development squad and drove an official practice session in a Toro Rosso at the Japanese Grand Prix, three days after his 17th birthday.

When he made his race debut in a Toro Rosso in Australia in the 2015 season opener, he became the youngest ever Formula One driver by almost two years.

The governing body of motorsports, the FIA, responded by changing the rules on the Formula driver superlicences. Among other things, they stipulated possession of an actual driving licence.

By the time Verstappen met that condition, after his 18th birthday in September 2015, he had driven 14 Grand Prix.
Pedestrian crossing
He said he almost failed his test for challenging the examiner over the rules as he approached a crossing.

"I argued with him because I thought they weren't at the crossing," he said. "They are not here yet, so why should I stop? But then yes, I stopped thankfully to let them pass... I think the examiner was kind to me."

He followed that with another coming-of-age rite, leaving his father's home and moving to Monaco, "not for tax reasons," he stressed.

Verstappen started the 2016 season with Toro Rosso but, after four races, was promoted to Red Bull. He won his big-team debut, the Spanish Grand Prix, to become the youngest ever F1 winner, two years and 210 days younger than Sebastian Vettel in 2008.

Vettel had gone on to become the youngest world champion in 2010, the first of four consecutive world titles with Red Bull.

Verstappen's youthful promotion was to a team that had been eclipsed by Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton.

It would take Red Bull, and Verstappen, until 2021 to catch up.

After Honda replaced Renault as engine supplier in 2019 and following upgrades ahead of the 2021 season, Verstappen's Red Bull was fast enough.

He and Hamilton traded blows in a duel that at times resembled a demolition derby

Verstappen came off worse at Silverstone. At Monza, the pair took each other out of the race.

In Saudi Arabia, Verstappen caused a late crash but Hamilton still won. The two men went to the last race in Abu Dhabi tied on points.

Hamilton led late on when the safety car came out. Officials allowed lapped cars to pass the leader, giving Verstappen a clear overtaking run when racing restarted on the last lap. He shot past to claim his first world title.
'Feet on the ground'
That moment turned out to be one of Formula One's tipping points.

In 2022, Verstappen won 15 of the 22 races to beat Ferrari's Charles Leclerc to the title by 146 points.

In 2023, he delivered the most dominant season in F1 winning 19 of 22 races, finishing second in two others and racking up 575 points. Red Bull team-mate Sergio Perez was second on 285.

"Will it be achieved again in my lifetime?" Red Bull boss Christian Horner said. "I don't think we will be able to better what we've done this year."

The prophecy quickly came true. Verstappen was pushed to the limit by the improving McLarens and Ferraris, but found a way to win a fourth title.

Verstappen has acquired the trappings of the Formula One life. He bought a jet in 2021. Since 2020 he has been in a relationship with model Kelly Piquet, the daughter of three-time Formula One champion Nelson.

"As a human being, he hasn't changed," said Horner in 2023. "He still has his feet on the ground. All the fame that comes with it sits uncomfortably with him because he's just a racer and a very straightforward guy to work with."

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