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Policeman, elder martyred in twin Bajaur explosions


• 3 terrorists killed in Khyber, S. Waziristan, says ISPR
• Forces thwart ‘infiltration attempt’ at Afghan border

PESHAWAR/BAJAUR: Three terrorists were killed in two separate security operations in Khyber and South Waziristan district, while a policeman and a local elder were martyred in roadside bomb explosions in Bajaur tribal district on Saturday, military and police sources said.

A statement issued by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Saturday read that the security forces carried out an intelligence-based operation in the Bara tehsil of Khyber district, adding that the security forces effectively engaged the terrorists’ location and killed two of them, including Haqyar Afridi alias Khyberay and Gulla Jan, during the IBO.

The military’s media wing said that in another exchange of fire, security forces picked up movement of a group of terrorists who were trying to infiltrate through Pakistan-Afghanistan border in South Waziristan district.

It read that the security forces effectively engaged and thwarted their attempt to infiltrate, adding that one terrorist was killed and three others were wounded.

“Pakistan has consistently been asking the interim Afghan government to ensure effective border management on their side of the border,” the official statement read, adding that the interim Afghan government was expected to fulfil its obligations and deny the use of Afghan soil by terrorists for perpetuating acts of militancy against Pakistan.

“Security forces of Pakistan are determined and remain committed to secure its border and eliminate the menace of terrorism from the country,” the ISPR stated.

In Bajaur district, a police personnel and a local elder were killed, while a child was wounded in two separate roadside bomb explosions in Mamund tehsil of Bajaur tribal district on Saturday.

Residents and police told Dawn that an elderly man Malik Asghar Khan was passing through the Erab area at around 8.55am when the roadside bomb exploded. The victim died before being shifted to nearby hospital, said SHO Zarif Khan of Lowi Mamund police station.

The officer said it was an improvised explosive device (IED), planted by unidentified miscreants, for sabotage purpose. He said that a team of police personnel immediately rushed to the blast site to shift the victim’s body and collect evidence from the scene.

According to police and locals, the second explosion occurred in Meana area at 9am, claiming the life of a policeman, Ihsanullah, 37, and wounding his seven-year-old son.

While confirming the incident, SP investigations Naveed Iqbal told reporters that the cop was heading to Kamar Sar area for duty when the blast took place near his native Meana locality.

SP Iqbal said investigations of both the explosions were underway to ascertain their motive and trace those behind it. He disclosed that both blasts were carried out with IEDs.

No one has claimed responsibility of both incidents in the same district where a JI local leader, Mohammad Hamid, was killed in a targeted attack on Nov 14.

Meanwhile, people from different walks of life, especially the elders and political leaders here on Saturday expressed their deep condemnation over the two fatal explosions in the region killing a policeman and a local elder.

In separate statements and posts shared on social media, they demanded that the police trace those involved in the “inhuman acts” at the earliest and prevent such incidents.

Published in Dawn, November 24th, 2024

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