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Domino’s brings back fan favourite in huge Christmas menu shake-up including new sumptuous dessert & CRANBERRY pizza

DOMINO’S has launched its new Christmas menu featuring old favourites and new treats.

The festive range from the popular pizza chain features six limited-edition items.

The Domino’s Festive Loaded Fries are back this year featuring a cranberry drizzle[/caption]
The Festive One pizza has also made a return but two ingredients are causing a stir[/caption]

As of November 11, food lovers have been able to access their old Domino’s favourites of the Festive Loaded Fries and The Festive One pizza.

The fries are crispy and golden topped with cheese sauce and melted mozzarella.

Then the Christmassy toppings are added including pulled save and onion turkey breast, smoked bacon, and a cranberry drizzle.

Meanwhile, The Festive One pizza makes another return this year after making its debut in 2021.

The fresh pizza dough is stretched by hand before being smeared with the tomato base and mozzarella cheese.

Then, the good stuff happens with toppings of lots of Christmas trimmings including pulled turkey breast marinated in sage and onion.

Also on the pizza is Cumberland sausage, crispy smoked bacon, and red onions.

This last item has caused some upset among Domino’s fans who told the chain on Instagram to “get the onions off for goodness sake.”

Another festive addition that is causing a stir this year is the tangy and sweet cranberry drizzle.

“Eww, get rid of the cranberry. Or at least have it as a dip on the side,” one upset foodie wrote on Instagram.

Another customer clarified that you can leave the drizzle off when placing the order. 

But, last year The Festive One saw some fans claiming it is missing a key ingredient which has not been added this year either – stuffing.


For those with a sweet tooth, Domino’s has launched a new treat for 2024 – Twisted Doughballs with Chocolate & Oreo Crumb.

The chain calls this “a mouth-watering end to any meal.”

The new sweet treat making its debut this year is the Twisted Doughballs with Chocolate and an Oreo crumb[/caption]

Putting a sweet twist on the classic dough ball, Domino’s covers the six balls in melted chocolate before covering them with a crunchy Oreo crumb.

“Had these last night – love em!” one happy customer wrote on Facebook about the new dessert option.

“Blimey! Perfect for not sharing!” another wrote.

“Omg they look so yummy,” a third said.


If you would rather have more bread and cheese to go with your pizza rather than decadent chocolate, Domino’s of course has something new for you on the festive menu.

This year it is debuting its first-ever Hot & Cheesy Dip with Twisted Doughballs.

For even more festive fun, Domino’s has released a new hot and cheesy dip

“It is a luxurious combination of molten vintage cheddar and hard cheese delivered piping hot and perfect for dipping,” Domino’s said.

“Hungry fans can tear and share their cheesy, garlicky Twisted Doughballs and dunk them in fondue-like cheese as a snazzy centrepiece this Christmas.”

“My kids and I had these the other day and they are so good! I loved the dipping sauce,” one mother shared on Facebook.  

“Whhatttt……. A festive pizza with hot cheese dipping sauce….. thanks Domino’s…. Eeekkkkkkk!!!” another customer wrote sharing a picture of her festive pizza alongside the new dip.

For even more cheesy goodness, Domino’s has launched its Mac and Cheese made with mature cheddar, red leicester, and mozzarella.

And finally, there is the Festive Wrap which is also brand new this year.

What is on the Domino's Christmas menu?

  • The Festive One Pizza – £24.99 (Large)
  • Mac ‘n’ Cheese – £7.99
  • The Festive Wrap – £4.00
  • Twisted Doughballs with Chocolate & Oreo Crumb – £6.99
  • Hot & Cheesy Dip with Twisted Doughballs – £6.99
  • Festive Loaded Fries – £6.99

*Hot and Cheesy Dip alone – £2.99

Domino’s calls it a “worthy contender for festive lunch of the year in the office” with a tortilla wrap stuffed with pulled sage and onion turkey, mozzarella, and topped with cheese.

“They’re bringing out some right nice things,” one fan declared on Instagram.

“Domino’s are slaying this menu,” another added.

Louise Pilkington Director of Innovation at Domino’s said: “This year at Domino’s we’re all about abundance, we want to make sure there’s something for everyone on the festive table.”

But, the festive options will only be available to order until January 2, 2025, so, you will have to be quick and make the most of it while you can.

To help customers out, the chain is offering two exclusive deals.

One is called the Festive Saver for £25.99 featuring two medium pizzas and two classic sides.

The other is the Tasty Trio for £19.99 where you can get a medium pizza, a side, and a dessert.

See what other chains are offering up this Christmas including Greggs, McDonald’s, and Wetherspoons.

For £4 Domino’s customers can get a Festive Wrap
The chain has also started selling Mac ‘n’ Cheese for the first time ever this Christmas[/caption]

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