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Weekly horoscope for November 24 – November 30: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20

Mercury, planet of knowledge and insight, is looking back in your zone of education and learning. 

So there are several lessons you can use from your past to inform your present self – or to make some big decisions about the future. 

As for love, you do know what you want, even if it goes against what everyone else seems to think. 

The luck factor lists property facts.  


APR 21 – MAY 21

Settling into the new sense of personal power that Pluto has brought you, you could also feel a sudden switch of loyalties, at home, at work – or in a love situation. 

This can be an effect of Mercury’s retrograde, so do handle with care. 

Be really sure what you want is also what you truly need. 

Moon imagination takes flight and illuminates earning potential your strong social skills.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

It’s not too late to go back and adjust a deal you dislike. 

But as Mercury pushes back, only act if you have a new proposal ready to go. 

In love terms, confusion may not be welcome, but it’s telling you something crucial, so try hard to listen. 

A powerful passion plan can form by the weekend. 

If you’re single, this can turn you back towards a tantalising Leo. 


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

That ability you sense inside to read people’s faces and feelings, is growing stronger – do think seriously about a career, or study, move that could make best use of this. 

The mind planet’s retrograde happens in your work zone, and nothing is off the table. 

Health-wise, resist committing too soon, a better option can be on the horizon.

Love is pure harmony, mistakes can be left behind. 


JULY 23 – AUG 23

If you’re used to letting your imagination roam free, you could bump up against some blocks as Mercury reverses. 

But this develops smart skills and greater ingenuity, giving you the edge in any work or life challenge. 

Your Venus love chart is warm and welcoming – past efforts bear fruit and you are ready to feel more fulfilled. 

Single?  That shy colleague is ready to ask a bold question. 


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

With a personal moon, plus the gentle touch of Venus in your romance sector, you are a lover in a million all week, with an instinctive ability to attract and intrigue anyone you choose. 

But don’t dismiss that so-quiet Cancer who really longs to get closer. 

Family plans that seemed set in stone can change suddenly – stay confident and in control and you can come through smiling.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

You have a dreamy side this week that’s enchanting to strangers and also encourages familiar faces to open up. 

The way you always listen but never judge is a serious star skill, and a surprise offer to develop this could lead towards entertainment avenues. 

Love is ready for commitment in feelings, even if words appear uncertain. 

Single? Your soulmate is a natural storyteller with such a big laugh. 


OCT 24 – NOV 22

As Mercury re-calibrates in your money sector, your challenge is to turn back and fix some long-lasting bugs in a cash system. 

Not easy, but when you’re done, you can feel freedom flow towards you.

It’s not what you spend, but how, that matters. 

Your Pluto power is family-focused, and long-term planning is the key, so try not to rush any choices. 

Love says so much – in just one word.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Your usual easy-going self may be affected by the reversal of Mercury in your personal star space. 

So you doubt your decisions, question your motives. 

But this can take you deeper into relationships, as you analyse then address other people’s reservations. 


Look beyond your “usual” type to someone so challenging but so cute. 

Cash insight is crystal clear, as Venus sees profit potential in items, and activities, you adore.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

All the loving compassion and care of planet Venus is centred in your sign – and no one can ignore the effects on you. 

You are more ready to forgive, and forget – and also willing to give someone unlikely a proper passion chance. 

You won’t regret this.

It’s too late to take back a secret – but you can find ways to live, and love, with it. 

Luck chooses an oval shape.  


JAN 21 – FEB 18

A moon of emotional truth is at work in your chart – you know you have been sleep-walking in love, or life, now you get a wake-up call. 

The next step is so obvious, especially if it takes you towards “W”. 

Friends who have always had your back may seem unpredictable as Mercury rewinds, but you can cope, and unlock your true strengths. 

Luck looks back ten years.


FEB 19 – MAR 20

You may feel your absolute faith in ongoing action, or romance, start to waver this week.

This is your cue to go back and rework part or all of it. 

You are in charge of your destiny, even if it may not always feel that way. 

Passion and community are Venus-connected – a public message can reveal deeply private feelings.

You need to be needed, an “H” group welcomes this.

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