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Joel Dommett shares adorable video of rarely-seen son Wilde on I’m A Celebrity set in Australia with wife Hannah Cooper

JOEL Dommett has shared an adorable video of his rarely-seen son Wilde on the I’m A Celebrity set in Australia with his wife Hannah Cooper.

Comedian Joel, 39, posted rare footage of the 14-month-old getting his groove on while watching the ITV show’s opening credits from Down Under.

Joel Dommett has shared an adorable video of his son on the I’m A Celebrity set with his wife Hannah Cooper[/caption]
Wilde repeated “Dada” three times as he watched backstage[/caption]

The former campmate, who hosts spin-off show Unpacked, was immediately recognised by his little boy, who repeated “Dada” three times as he watched backstage.

In the Instagram joint post with model Hannah, 35, the couple wrote in their caption: “There a new Intern in the @imacelebrity Office… Milk, no sugar please Wilde. Wait till the end…”

Wilde looked like he was ready to enter camp, donning his very own personalised T-shirt, cream shorts and a red scarf.

Having welcomed Wilde in September last year, Joel recently told how he’s swapped sleepless nights out boozing for sleepless nights filled with a lot of poo and vomit.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun ahead of Father’s Day, The Masked Singer host told us how becoming a dad has changed him and his relationship with Hannah.

“Being a dad is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions,” he said as Wilde slept soundly next to him.

“It really is like a rollercoaster in the way that when you’re going up, you’re so stressed, and then it gets to the top and then it goes over and you’re like ‘this is the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life and I love it so much.’ 

“And then every day is like you get to the end of the ride, and you’re so knackered.

“It’s absolutely insane, and I honestly, really, really love it.”

The most shocking part of parenthood for Joel has been loving Wilde even when he’s vomiting into his mouth, or pooing all over himself.

He laughed: “He loves when I chuck him above my head. He loves it so much, and laughs so much.

“But also, it makes him vomit sometimes and it’s really difficult for me because I love making him laugh, and then obviously I hate having his vomit in my mouth. 

“He also sleeps okay now, which is great, unless he completely s**ts up his back.

“In which case, he wakes up and it’s the worst thing of all time – he has the most explosive s**ts. 

“It’s so intense. It goes up to the base of his neck. It’s incredible.

“You think it’s gonna be the awful part of it, dealing with these bodily fluids, but, as a parent, you love them so much, when they do something so impressive, like s**tting up their own back, you go, ‘Fair play, man. Well done.’”

But this laidback nature of his isn’t the only new thing about Joel.

“I’ve become much more emotional. I keep just randomly crying in Sainsbury’s. I don’t know whether that’s because I’m sleep-deprived.”

Joel Dommett's career so far

Joel started out as an actor, landing small roles in shows including Casualty, Inspector Lynley and Skins.

But the funnyman has also presented or taken part in other big shows, such as:

I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! (2016 – runner up)

I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp (2017-2019)

Celebrity Juice (2018-2022)

Hey Tracey! (2019-2020)

The Masked Singer (2020-present)

The Masked Dancer (2021-present)

In With a Shout (2023-present)

Lucky love story

Hannah and Joel’s modern love story began in 2016 when the Dutch-born model drunkenly sent him a message on Instagram with a cat emoji, shortly after his appearance on I’m A Celeb.

He replied to her, and they went on their first date together.

He told us: “There was definitely a moment on our first day where I was like, ‘Oh, this is the best date I’ve ever been on, with the best person I’ve ever been on a date with, and the absolute right timing.’

“I personally think that there’s not necessarily a One for you, but it’s about finding the right one at the right time. 

“And it just happened all at exactly the right time for both of us.”

He continued: “If I met Hannah when I was 22, she wouldn’t have even looked at me.

“She would have walked straight past me, she wouldn’t have even noticed me, and I would never have had the confidence to walk up to her either, or message her back on Instagram.

“She’s genuinely brilliant, we just communicate well, and I think that’s the big thing with parenting.”

Hannah and Joel’s modern love story began in 2016[/caption]

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