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Here are the most heated Thanksgiving food fights

Thanksgiving dinner may be one of the most anticipated meals of the year for many people, but it is also one of the most debated. From the correct way to prepare the turkey to the best side dishes and desserts, here are the dishes worth fighting over this Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a time for coming together. Friends and family gather around to enjoy delicious food. Whether you take pride in cooking the entire spread yourself or celebrate Thanksgiving with a potluck, the feast is one of the most memorable parts of the day - and probably one of the most contested.

Should you roast the turkey or deep fry it? What sides are must-haves? Sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie or apple, and homemade or store-bought? Should you stick with tradition or introduce new recipes? As you plan out your menu this year - and anticipate any food-related conflict over the dinner table - find out where the population falls on the Thanksgiving food debates.

Best way to cook a Thanksgiving turkey

A turkey is the traditional centerpiece of a Thanksgiving table. A 2024 survey from 84.51° Stratum found that 81% of shoppers plan turkey as their main dish this year. But while many agree that a flavorful, juicy turkey is a must, how to get that perfect result is subject to disagreement.

Roasting a turkey is classic. Monitor the temperature to avoid overcooking your turkey and you'll get a perfectly moist bird.

Other cooks swear by deep frying the turkey, which keeps the meat juicy while creating a delicious crispy skin. This requires extra equipment and, as with any deep frying, should be done carefully to avoid injury.

Still, others smoke their Thanksgiving turkey. In addition to keeping the meat moist, smoked turkey has a delightful flavor from the wood smoke. You will need a smoker or grill for this method to smoke your own turkey. You can also reheat smoked turkey in your oven for the same delicious result without any extra equipment.

Cranberry sauce: Canned vs homemade

Cranberry sauce brings sweet and tart flavors to the Thanksgiving plate and on the leftover turkey sandwiches you'll be eating in the following days. You have the option to use your own cranberry sauce recipe or buy canned sauce.

In a YouGov poll, canned cranberry sauce just edged out homemade as the favorite version of this condiment. Although cranberry sauce in relish form beat canned sauce in the 2023 Axios favorite Thanksgiving sides poll.

The nostalgic flavor and texture of a can of cranberry sauce, as well as the ease of preparation, make canned sauce a reliable choice. Homemade sauce is quick and easy to make, however. You also have more control over flavor as you can adjust the ingredient rations for a sweeter or more tart result.

Dressing or stuffing?

According to a Statista survey in 2023, the most popular Thanksgiving side dish is the mixture of cubed bread, vegetables and seasonings. But what people call this dish varies from state to state. In general, those in the west, New England and Florida call this stuffing. Those in other states call it dressing.

The difference in the names came from how the dish is traditionally prepared. When cooked inside the turkey, it was stuffing. When cooked in a separate pan, it was dressing. Today, most recipes call for baking either dish in a separate pan, but the names have stuck.

Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and marshmallows

After stuffing, the Statista survey found that potatoes are the second most anticipated side. Creamy mashed potatoes, served with gravy made from the turkey drippings, are popular around the country. The exception is Louisiana, where the Axios poll found that sweet potato casserole is more popular.

If you are serving sweet potato casserole at your feast, you also have to weigh in on the debate over marshmallows. The YouGov survey found that 26% of people prefer marshmallows with their sweet potatoes while 34% of people opt for no marshmallows. The marshmallows make for a sweet, gooey topping. If you fall into the camp that dislikes marshmallows, a streusel topping is a sweet and crunchy alternative.

The Thanksgiving casserole: Green beans, mac and cheese and more

Next to the stuffing, potatoes and cranberry sauce, a casserole is part of many Thanksgiving menus. It can be an easy and delicious way to serve a side of vegetables if you opt for a green bean casserole or a corn casserole.

On the other hand, those who are vehemently against green bean casserole might serve mac and cheese instead, another popular dish on some Thanksgiving tables. Since casseroles are generally straightforward and make good leftovers, you can always serve multiple kinds at your meal.

Debating dessert: Pumpkin, apple or pecan pie

The perfect Thanksgiving feast ends with dessert, of which pie is traditional. Pumpkin pie and apple pie are both seasonal and filled with fall spices, yet choosing a favorite can be a highly debated decision. Pecan pie is also a popular option.

According to Statista, 55% of adults preferred pumpkin pie as their dessert for Thanksgiving. This is followed by apple pie at 43% and pecan pie at 22%.

If you can't pick just one pie, dessert is the ideal course for a potluck-style approach. Having guests bring their favorite pie is a great way to please everyone. Whichever pie you choose for your table, the perfect homemade pie crust can ensure a delicious dessert.

Set the Thanksgiving table with festive favorites this year

Whether your Thanksgiving menu is filled with recipes passed down through generations or you prefer to experiment with new flavors and dishes, your holiday meal is sure to be delectable. Plan for your own favorites, try regional dishes or invite your guests to contribute their family recipes. Regardless of how you set the table, a Thanksgiving food fight is one that everyone wins.

Lisa Wells is a travel, food and lifestyle writer and photographer who has traveled across 37 countries. As the founder of Coastal Wandering, she shares her love for laid-back beach living with stories, recipes and tips for a relaxed coastal lifestyle.

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