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Shocking Milestone: 1400 Days Incarcerated With NO TRIAL for J6er Jake Lang

Jake Lang

As Jake Lang marks a harrowing 1,400 days imprisonment without trial, the case by the weaponized Biden Department of Justice is starting to fall apart.

Jake, the founder of J6Pardons.com, one of the 1561 January 6 political prisoners, still languishes in a cell in the DC Jail Gulag – denied his Constitutional right to a speedy trial, impartial jury, and humane treatment. This shocking milestone underscores a glaring abuse of power by the DOJ and a two-tiered justice system targeting conservative voices.

It’s very possible that Jake never sees his day in court. Yesterday, Federal Judge Carl Nichols issued a groundbreaking decision to PAUSE his trial indefinitely until President Trump’s administration takes over – claiming the high likelihood of pardons and dismissals. Federal Prosecutor Karen Rochlin couldn’t promise the Judge that there wouldn’t be waste of federal resources and a waste of time for jurors to hear a case that soon be pardoned.

The highlight of yesterday’s court hearing was a bombastic exchange between Lang, who represents himself, and Prosecutor Rochlin – it was reported by Politico and has gone viral on X.

Here is the excerpt from the X post from @JakeLangJ6:

The human rights violations faced by Lang and his fellow January 6 detainees have been nothing short of abhorrent. These individuals, who dared to voice their support for President Trump and question the 2020 election, have suffered inhumane treatment at the hands of a regime bent on crushing dissent. Many are held in squalid conditions akin to third-world prisons, deprived of medical care, subjected to solitary confinement, and stripped of their dignity. Their only crime? Daring to stand for our Constitutional Republic & a free and fair election process.

Despite this darkness, there is hope on the horizon. President Donald J. Trump has vowed to bring justice to these brave patriots. His promise to issue blanket pardons to all January 6 prisoners on his first day in office has ignited a movement. Trumps commitment stands as a beacon of hope for these men and women, reminding them that they have not been forgotten.

The January 6 Pardon Coalition has launched a national petition, urging swift action from President Trump to fulfill this promise. This petition, now sweeping across the nation, demands that justice be restored to those wrongfully imprisoned for nearly four years. Every signature is a step closer to freedom for the 1,561 hostages of this political witch hunt.


Joining this fight for justice is Matt Gaetz. Gaetz has long been a champion for the January 6 prisoners, even attempting to visit them in their D.C. jail cells in July 2021. However, corrupt prison officials blocked his access, a clear sign of the lengths the regime will go to hide their misconduct. The petition calls for the halt of all ongoing investigations and arrests but also the dissmissal of pending charges against the January 6 defendants.

The J6 Day One Freedom Petition has gained immense traction, with signatures from conservative luminaries like Jim Hoft, Laura Loomer, Diamond & Silk, Darren Beattie, Wayne Allyn Root, Grant Stinchfield, Doug Bilings, Behizy, Ann Vandersteel, and Emerald Robinson. These voices, along with grassroots activists, like Treniss Evans, Suzzanne Monk, Jake Lang and David Sumrall, are unified in their rallying cry: NO MAN LEFT BEHIND! All J6 Hostages have suffered enough – every last one of them needs to come home on Day One.


The persecution of January 6 patriots is a chilling reminder of what happens when power is abused by Democrats and uniparty RINOs – and this coalition is determined to reverse the injustices!

The double standard is staggering: While Conservative, Constitutionalist, and Christian protesters face the harshest penalties imaginable – leftist activists who engaged in similar or worse behavior have been met with leniency or no consequences at all. The FBI, weaponized to target Trump supporters, has treated these Americans like enemies of the state, creating political prisoners in the heart of America. The tyranny must stop now.


It’s time for all patriots to rise and stand in solidarity with the January 6 prisoners. These men and women have suffered enough. Their fight is not just for their freedom but for the soul of America. Sign the J6 Day One Freedom Petition and support immediate clemency from President Trump!

Freedom for the January 6 prisoners will not come without action. Share their stories, rally behind their cause, and call on leaders like Trump and Gaetz to bring justice to these brave patriots. The time for waiting is over. America must unite to end this shameful chapter and restore justice to those wrongfully imprisoned.

Together, we can ensure that the promise of freedom becomes a reality for every January 6 patriot. Sign the petition today and help bring an end to the nightmare these American heroes have endured. Let us remind the world: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.


Court today was incredible, the TABLES have TURNED for the January 6ers!!

My trial was indefinitely postponed until AFTER Trump’s Jan 20th 2025 Inauguration!! My Judge made a groundbreaking decision to PAUSE my case until the new administration takes over because of the high likelihood of PARDONS & CASE DISMISSALS BY TRUMP & GAETZ

This was based off multiple factors including my attorneys surgical recovery – but primarily because the Government is quickly realizing the J6 Soviet Show Trials will soon become moot & completely unnecessary!!

The highlight of the day was a quick response I made to my Prosecutor Karen Rochlin who claimed that speculating January 6ers will be pardoned was like guessing if there was, at that moment, a tornado & hurricane outside the windowless Federal Courtroom –


I also told the Prosecutors that TRUMP & GAETZ are going to clear house at the DOJ and they will have to find new jobs – that their “Americans were sick of their bloodlust & Weaponization of the DOJ!”

Overall today set a clear precedent that J6 & this aberration of Justice is about to be in the rearview mirror for America,

We will soon return home to our families & the blessings that God has stored up for us while we have been gone – devoted to the most Glorious Cause: American Liberty

The post Shocking Milestone: 1400 Days Incarcerated With NO TRIAL for J6er Jake Lang appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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