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Judge strips father’s parental rights, greenlights son’s castration


A California judge has permanently stripped Texas father Jeffrey Younger of all parental rights to his twin sons, James and Jude, granting Younger’s ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, the authority to chemically and surgically transition their 12-year-old son, James, against his father’s wishes.

Younger’s twin sons, James and Jude.

Younger, whose ex-wife, a pediatrician, began transitioning their son to a girl at just two and a half years old, has fought tooth and nail to protect his child. Despite video evidence supporting his concerns, courts in Texas and California have systematically stripped him of his parental rights.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a video of James Younger when he was only 3 years old surfaced, revealing that his mother put dresses on him and painted his fingernails when the child was just an infant!

The abuse from the mother all started because James liked a toy from the movie ‘Frozen’ meant for little girls. It is totally normal for little boys to play with girls’ toys; it does not mean they want to be castrated and ‘transition’ into girls.

When asked if he was a boy or a girl, James, then only three years old, answered, “Girl.” He said his mom told him he was a girl.

Younger with his son, James

Jeffrey Younger was forced to pay his ex-wife $5,000 a month to pay for his son’s “transition” and counseling in addition to a $10,000 retainer required by the counselor.

In 2019, a Dallas jury ruled to grant Younger equal custody. In 2021, Texas courts had prohibited Georgulas from unilaterally transitioning James, but this restriction was nullified when California became a “sanctuary state” for such procedures.

Younger alleges that the Texas family court system, particularly Judge Mary Brown—whom he dubbed “Judge Bloody Mary Brown”—ignored evidence and expert testimony in favor of his son’s well-being. Instead, the court granted his ex-wife full custody, allowing her to pursue the medical transition.

Younger’s appeals to the Texas Supreme Court were dismissed, forcing him into California’s liberal court system, where he faced overwhelming judicial bias.

“The Supreme Court of Texas denied my Mandamus, effectively terminating my parental rights. My children are now subject to being chemically castrated in California. Texas is an empire of child abuse, led by Texas judges.” Jeffrey Younger said.

In August 2024, after an unsuccessful attempt to imprison Jeff Younger, Judge Mark Juhas reconvened his courtroom in a renewed effort to hold Younger in contempt of court.

Central to the dispute is the release of sensitive information concerning Anne Georgulas’s contentious efforts to transition her 12-year-old son, James Younger, into a female.

Now, a California judge has permanently revoked parental rights from Jeffrey Younger due to his opposition to his 12-year-old son’s chemical and surgical castration, as requested by the boy’s mother, as reported by LifeSiteNews.

Younger’s friend, Connor Tomlinson, shared a detailed post on X discussing the story:

Jeff fought a costly legal battle in California for the last three years

In February, Georgulas filed a motion in Los Angeles County Superior Court, aiming to dissolve the protective order preventing her from subjecting James to “gender-affirming care.”

Georgulas’ motion cited the opinion of psychologist Brigid Mariko Conn, who stated that James “is interested” in “puberty blockers,” estrogen, and “bottom surgery.”

But James does not have a treating physician. He was diagnosed by “LGBTQIAS2+” social worker Danielle Hurwitz on April 23, 2024 through a “Gender Assessment” — two months AFTER Georgulas filed the motion

California judge Michelle Kazadi then hid the case from the public in the lead-up to trial, and blocked lawyers from accessing case documents

The Los Angeles Superior Court claimed to have lost the Georgulas v. Younger case file in a 22nd of July “ransomware” attack — after initially intentionally deleting the public record of the file on the 30th of May

Judge Shelley Kaufman also misrouted orders to the wrong address

Jeff is a good man. From the few hours I spent shooting with him this year alone, I can tell he has been a great father

He has done all he can to spare his sons this twisted fate

We can now only hope that the Trump administration’s national ban on passes before James is irreversibly harmed.

In an X post, Younger released the following statement:

I lost all parental rights to my sons. Goodbye, boys.

Perhaps, we will meet when you are adults. California Judge Juhas gave my ex-wife authority to castrate my son, James. All contact with my boys must be supervised. I won’t do that. I send letters and gifts to my sons.

Let my story be a cautionary one for young men. Fathers have no rights to their children. Do not enter the family law system.

A number of well-meaning people (and some ill-meaning people too) have urged me to attend supervised visits. That is a bad idea. It’s bad for kids. Supervised visitation reinforces in a child’s mind that the father is dangerous, that something is wrong with him. It’s also bad for the father. The supervisor can record anything he wants.

Whatever he writes down, the court will take as fact. Supervision provides infinitely malleable material for the courts to make damaging findings. It’s also very expensive. I have to do visits in Los Angeles County, California.

The flights and supervision run to over $2,000 per visit. No parent should do supervised visitation. It’s bad for the children, bad for the father, and allows courts invent false findings to further endanger the father.

[Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit]

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