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F1 legend Nigel Mansell reveals why Lewis Hamilton can win eighth world title with Ferrari

FORMULA ONE legend Nigel Mansell is confident Ferrari’s “magical” team will help Lewis Hamilton to an EIGHTH world title.

Britain’s 1992 F 1 world champion is a huge fan of the Stevenage racer, who will end his glittering 12-season stay at Mercedes to join the Italian team next year.

Nigel Mansell has revealed why Lewis Hamilton can land a record eighth world title with Ferrari[/caption]
Hamilton is leaving Mercedes to join the Scuderia at the start of next season[/caption]

Hamilton has signed a two-season mega-bucks deal with the Scuderia and Mansell, 71, is delighted he will now experience the Ferrari magic — just like he did in 1989 and 1990.

Mansell said: “Lewis has done some incredible things throughout his career.

“And it is absolutely fantastic he is going to drive for Ferrari which, for me, is the most romantic team in the whole of Formula One.

“The fans will embrace him and I am sure he will be able to win for them and be a great team-mate for Charles Leclerc.

“Lewis has all the attributes to get another world title.

“He will have a renaissance in the car because he’s super quick and Ferrari will do a good job for him.”

Mansell won his only world title with Williams but ‘Our Nige’ insists he has special memories of driving for Ferrari for two seasons before leaving following a bust-up with team-mate Alain Prost.

Mansell said: “It means a lot to me having driven for them.


“It’s close to magical and I do feel fulfilled that I didn’t miss out driving for one of the greatest makes of car in the history of the world.

“There isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t love a Ferrari.”

Hamilton, 39, has won a record 105 grand prix and hopes Ferrari can reignite his career which has stalled in recent seasons as Max Verstappen and Red Bull have dominated Mercedes.

His last driver’s title was in 2020, equalling the record of seven set by Ferrari superstar Michael Schumacher in 2004.

His move to the Scuderia marks Hamilton as the 13th British driver who will don a scarlet red race suit, and he will be aiming to be the first Brit in 60 years to win the F1 title for Ferrari.

Mansell, who now lives in the US, was company founder Enzo’s Ferrari’s last personal signing shortly before he died in 1988.

And the man christened ‘The People’s Champion’ by his British followers was also adored by Italian fans.

They dubbed him Il Leone — The Lion — for his aggressive driving style which earned him 31 race wins, 32 poles and 482 points during his career.

And Mansell celebrated his Ferrari debut in 1989 by roaring to an unexpected victory in the Brazilian Grand Prix.

That feat endeared him to everyone in the Italian camp — even though he failed to land them the title he craved.

Mansell added: “You have one chance to win your first race for your new team and goodness knows how that car kept going but I won in Rio and that cemented a very, very special relationship.

“I feel, as much as I missed out on a number of things in Formula One, I didn’t miss out driving for Ferrari.

“OK, I didn’t win the championship for them but I won races for them and had the experience.

“The difference is working with the Italians, the Tifosi fans — even the reporters all wear their hearts on their sleeves.

“They are so excited. It’s one of those Marmite situations: You love ’em or you hate ’em and I was very fortunate.

“I just loved the whole experience and it was reciprocal. They supported me and loved me and I think they still do today.

“It’s wonderful and Lewis will find a different level of feeling comfortable and being supported.

“I think he will just embrace it and go from strength to strength.”

Inside track on Hamilton's life

LEWIS HAMILTON has driven his way into pole position as Formula One's most prolific winner.

The British speedster lives life in the fast lane both on and off the track, with a string of high-profile romances and jet-set lifestyle.

Hamilton made his name at McLaren and Mercedes but stunned the racing world by signing a £100million deal to join Ferrari for next season.

His exploits have seen him rub shoulders with Hollywood icon Brad Pitt but Lew snubbed the chance to feature in Top Gun 2.

And fans can follow his fortunes on the latest season of Netflix’s smash hit Drive To Survive.

Hamilton’s talent saw him go from humble origins in Stevenage to boasting an £11m car collection.

He joined celeb dating app Raya after splitting from Brazilian beauty Juliana Nalu.

And his exes are said to include Rita Ora, Rihanna and Nicole Scherzinger.

Hamilton was embroiled in a bitter feud with Nico Rosberg but the pair buried the hatchet to sport £35k watches they were given for FREE.

He also shared high-profile battles with Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel.

But his most shocking showdown saw Max Verstappen handed the World Championship over him by a controversial safety car decision.

The Brit is chasing a record eighth world title – the first of which came in 2008 and has seen Felipe Masa sue F1 for £62m after a crash saw him miss out.

Check out all our Lewis Hamilton articles here.

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