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MAFS star takes a vicious swipe at the cast after they reunite at end of series wrap party

MAFS star Hannah Norburn has taken a vicious swipe at the cast after they reunited for the end of series wrap party.

Hannah, 33, who found herself at the center of the show’s most heated confrontations this year, made some very pointed remarks at her former co-stars in her latest Instagram post.

MAFS star Hannah Norburn has taken a vicous swipe at the cast[/caption]
She made some very pointed remarks at her ex castmates on Instagram[/caption]
The Cheshire business owner shared a slew of glam bedroom snaps[/caption]
She wpre a tiny green minidress and held a glass of rosé[/caption]

The Cheshire business owner shared a slew of glam bedroom snaps, wearing a tiny green minidress and holding a glass of rosé today.

Flashing her legs and posing confidently, she accompanied the photos with a message that appeared to address her foes.

Hannah wrote: “She’ll always glow a little brighter when she’s happy & around the people who want to see her shine. thathappyglow #shinebright.”

The reality star recently opened up about being vilified during her time on the E4 show, where she clashed with Holly Ditchfield, leading to one of the series’ most talked-about feuds.

Holly had accused Hannah of flirting with Sionainn Carmichael‘s husband, Ryan Livesey, after her shock return to the show, sparking explosive arguments among the cast.

Holly seemed to voice what the rest of the group were thinking when she said: “Look what the cats dragged in.”

But Hannah later shared her side of the story.

She said: “Holding my head high and my middle finger higher. Sometimes in life you’re presented with people who you just don’t click with – but as mature adults you always have two options in this scenario…

“You can establish that you’ll never be friends, you can steer clear of them, let them do their own thing & show them respect & decency from a distance without letting anything they do bother you because let’s be honest they’re quite irrelevant to your life…OR…

“…you can do the complete & utter opposite and you can go out of your way to try to make them feel as belittled, disrespected & embarrassed as you possibly can.”

The MAFS bride admitted that she watching the episode back, she still feels traumatized by the experience.

She said: Rewatching this night back was just as hard as living it at the time. Even after leaving the experiment I still can’t enter a room without feeling so nervous, on edge, guarded & so scared of what I’m entering into with this group but here I am again (maybe more fool me) going into everything with optimism & a continued effort.”

Bride Hannah and her groom Stephen Nolson were late arrivals to the MAFS UK process and it wasn’t long before she was at loggerheads with the ladies.

After an epic bust up with Polly Sellman, Hannah blamed her telly husband for stirring up trouble on the show.

In an Instagram livestream with Kane Brown, she said: “I instantly cliked with some of the boys more than girls. The girls had their backs up from the very beginning.”

According to Hannah, husband Stephen, spread bad feeling about her among the fellow cast members.

She said: “I then found out he went to the boys and said ‘you need to be very careful of Hannah, she’s dangerous, she’s here to play a game and she’ll f*** everybody over’.

“The boys didn’t know me so they’re going to believe the one person who knows me, I understand that.

After she and Stephen quit the show, Hannah made a shock return.  

But she wasn’t welcomed back with open arms, with Holly saying: “Oh, look what the cat has dragged in.”

Motormouth Holly then directly addressed the claims about Hannah the husband stealer by saying: “How many husbands have you run off with since leaving the experiment.”

Holly then kept hammering the question: “How many are you linked with?” A visibly distressed Hannah then said: “Honey I am not going to be spoken to like sh**.”

She finally answered “none’ before Sinead jumped in and accused her of lying. She said: “you’ve been meeting up with Ryan.”

A horrified silence fell upon the group, as Hannah looked noticeably guilty.

But then Hannah hits out at the group for failing to support her throughout the process.

She said: “You’re all in a whatsapp group, you’ve all had the support from each other and I haven’t.” But then Holly delivered the blow by saying, “you’ve got zero girl code, youve got no respect for women. You’d rather get your pie filled than be friends with them.”

Hannah then retorted, “I haven’t slept with anyone.” But Holly then finally got some push back from the group when she said: “I am sorry but I can’t bear to be in the same room as you anymore.”

To which Amy Victoria Kenyon stood up for Hannah saying, “She doesn’t deserve to be attacked like that.”

Which Mafs 2024 couples are still together?

Still together:

Polly and Adam

Caspar and Emma

Kristina and Kieran

Alex and Holly

Nathan and Lacey

Ross and Sacha

Luke and Amy

Split up:

Ryan and Sionainn

Hannah and Stephen

Eve and Charlie

Richelle and Orson

Holly was the ringleader in the attack on Hannah during the series
Channel 4
Hannah did her best to defend herself but the others weren’t having any of it
Channel 4

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