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Larry Wilson: Mr. Schiff goes to Washington, again

I was talking by phone last week with California’s new senator-elect, Adam Schiff, as he plowed through papers in a temporary basement office of the Capitol in his transition from House member to Congress’s upper chamber — famously, or formerly, “the greatest deliberative body in the world.”

More on his feelings about that in a bit. First, as we began our conversation — this was a day before his clownish former House colleague Matt Gaetz dropped out from consideration as attorney general — we had a laugh about the often-ludicrous qualities of so many of the names put forward by the president-elect for his cabinet.

“When he was president before” — and before Schiff led an impeachment prosecution against him in the Senate trial — “I had a meeting with him in the Oval Office. And I said, ‘You know, we should work together on infrastructure,’ and I also brought up the high cost of prescription drugs … He was affable, and personable, and I think the first thing he said to me was, ‘You know, you do a really good job.’ And I think he meant, on TV. Because it echoed something that Jared Kushner told me during his deposition” for the impeachment. “During one of the recesses he came up to me and said, ‘You do a really good job on TV.’  Trump had just attacked me for the very first time, on Twitter. ‘Sleazy Adam Schiff spends too much time on TV,’ and blah blah blah. And I said, ‘Well, apparently your father-in-law doesn’t think so.’ And his response was, ‘Oh, yes he does, and that’s why.’ … He’s obviously picked a lot of his cabinet by watching them on Fox. And he also watches his adversaries on Fox.”

I asked Schiff if he would be able to work with Trump during his second term. “Well, I think he sees political value in attacking me. It’s why I was such a constant feature in his rallies. Even up to the very end, his closing argument was about me — ‘He’s the enemy from within.’ All I can do is do my job. Try to get stuff done in defending our democracy, our rights and freedoms. He can call me whatever he wants. I’m not going to lose focus on core responsibilities.”

Back to the difference between being a congressman and a senator. Schiff and the 11 other new incoming senators — six Democrats, six Republicans — just spent the last week in official orientations about how the upper house works. After 20 years in the House, he was at least a bit familiar. But some things are different. “It’s been a combination of briefings from Senate officers and the sergeant at arms — including with our spouses; they wanted us all to get to know each other — about your Washington office, and your district office, and personal security. We would take a meal break and have lunch together. Social interaction is very important. We had other sessions with veteran senators of both parties about things to do, and things not. A main thing seems to be: Don’t just work together and not socialize. Invite people out to dinner. Don’t judge a book by its cover — guys who you know from TV” may be different in real life.

I asked about the “greatest deliberative body” idea: “It really seems like a different culture in the Senate,” Schiff said. “There’s a recognition that you can’t get anything done unless you can find a partner on the other side of the aisle. It’s a small place and you can get to know each other well. There is a group of folks in the Senate who don’t want to get anything done. But apart from that group, there’s lots of opportunities to collaborate and deliver and so I’m very excited about it. It’s very entrepreneurial.”

“I was worried,” he continued. “I’d been hearing that the character of the Senate was changing — that a number of the bomb throwers in the House had come over — but the climate is very different. There’s a real willingness to say, ‘Hey, we may disagree on this and that, but I know you’re interested in housing, or rural hospitals, so let’s work together.’”

Although I didn’t want to get too deep into the weeds on the inevitable question of what’s next for Democrats after they lost the White House, still don’t have the House and lost the Senate, I was still curious about how California’s new senator could work with a guy who rails against him: “This president, given his track record, is going to abuse his office. But my first priority is to get things done. Playing defense is secondary.”

Larry Wilson is on the Southern California News Group editorial board. lwilson@scng.com.

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