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Huge homeware chain with 230 locations to close ALL stores for three days this Christmas in company first

A MAJOR homeware chain with 230 locations is set to close all stores for THREE days this Christmas.

A well-known brand will be shutting up shop for an extended time across the festive period in a company first.

Getty - Contributor
Wickes will be closed from Christmas Eve and reopen on December 27[/caption]
Getty - Contributor
The home improvement store is also offering staff additional paid leave on Christmas Eve[/caption]

Wickes announced they will be pulling the shutters down on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Staff will welcome customers back on December 27 after a well-deserved Christmas break.

Employees are also set to gain and additional day of paid leave on Christmas Eve.

Branches across England, Wales and Scotland will also lock up earlier at 7pm from December 16 to 21.

On New Year’s Eve doors will shut at 4pm.

David Wood, Chief Executive Officer at Wickes said: “Here at Wickes, our Christmas closures have become a way to thank all our colleagues for their tremendous services throughout the year, showing them that all of their hard work definitely doesn’t go unnoticed and is hugely appreciated.”

England and Wales:

  • Monday December 23: 7am* – 7pm
  • Tuesday December 24: Closed
  • Wednesday December 25: Closed
  • Thursday December 26: Closed
  • Friday December 27: 7am* – 7pm


  • Monday December 23: 7am* – 7pm
  • Tuesday December 24: Closed
  • Wednesday December 25: Closed
  • Thursday December 26: Closed
  • Friday December 27: 7am* – 7pm

New Year’s Hours:

England & Wales:

  • Tuesday December 31: 7am* – 4pm
  • Wednesday January 1: 10am – 4pm
  • Thursday January 2: 7am* – 7pm


  • Tuesday December 31: 7am* – 4pm
  • Wednesday January 1: Closed
  • Thursday January 2: 7am* – 7pm

Why do retailers close on Boxing Day?

Boxing Day is one of the busiest shopping days of the year.So why do retailers decide to close?

Senior consumer reporter Olivia Marshall explains.

Closing on Boxing Day allows staff to have a well-deserved break after the busy Christmas period.

This can help improve staff morale and reduce burnout.

It also provides them with an opportunity to spend time with their families and friends during the festive season.

For some retailers, the cost of opening on Boxing Day, including staffing and operational expenses, may not be justified by the expected sales revenue, especially if customer footfall is low.

With the rise of online shopping, some retailers may focus on online sales and promotions rather than opening physical stores on Boxing Day.

For some businesses, it may also be a long-standing tradition for them to remain closed on Boxing Day. 

From a practical perspective, the day after Christmas can be used for inventory checks, restocking, and preparing for post-Christmas sales.

This can be more effectively done without the distraction of serving customers

It comes as major retailers are shutting shops on Boxing Day to give their staff an extra day’s rest over the festive season.

Thousands of well-known shops are closing down for two days over Christmas, despite excitement around Boxing Day sales.

On December 25, Christmas Day, most big-name stores traditionally close to allow staff to spend time with their loved ones.

Many more may get an extra day to celebrate on Boxing Day too, with many shoppers having to hold on before hitting the winter sales in person.

The bank holiday has notoriously held some of the biggest sales of the year, with high streets packed full of shoppers looking out for some discounted goodies.

In order not to miss out on Boxing Day disappointment, make sure to check ahead before heading out.

Here are the stores that have confirmed they are closing on December 26.


B&Q has revealed it will shutter its more than 300 UK branches on December 25 and 26 to give staff a well-earned break.

The retailer, which stocks everything from garden products to kitchenware, tools and equipment will also close all its stores early on Christmas Eve.

Branches across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will shut at 4pm instead of the usual 8pm.


Bargain retailer Poundland will close its stores on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Simon Wells, people director at Poundland, said: “We have brilliant colleagues here at Poundland & Dealz who work incredibly hard throughout the year, bringing our brands to life every day and supporting our customers.

“But we know they all particularly shine at Christmas, bringing the magic to our stores that our customers know and love. 

Staff will also be given a £25 voucher to spend in stores ahead of the big day.


Get your bargain groceries in now because Aldi will be shutting on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day this year.

Aldi UK communications director Richard Thornton said: “Christmas is such a special period for many of our colleagues, and by keeping our stores closed on Boxing Day, Aldi gives them more time to spend with their loved ones. 

“Customers will have plenty to look forward to in the run-up to Christmas, with exciting Christmas ranges hitting shelves in time for the festive season.”

It’s not the first time Aldi has closed on Boxing Day – the discounter has been doing so for the past few years.

The Range and Wilko

These two beloved chains have announced they will be shutting on the 25 and 26 of December.

Retailers The Range and Wilko, owned by CDS Stores, implemented the double closure last year.

Chief executive officer for CDS Alex Simpkin said: “This year’s been another great one for the business.

“We’re grateful to all our incredible team for their dedication and hard work and believe everyone deserves a well-earned rest during the festive season.

“So, in appreciation, we’ll be closing our stores on Boxing Day to give our team the opportunity to enjoy a full two-day break with their families.”

Home Bargains

The popular discount chain is closing its 600 UK stores on Boxing Day this year.

To let their staff make the most of the holidays they will also be closing at 5pm on Christmas Eve instead of the usual 8pm or 9pm.

It will also be closed on New Year’s Day.

A spokesperson for Home Bargains said: “We know how hard all our colleagues have worked throughout the year.

“Being a family-run business, we recognise the importance of spending quality time with our loved ones.

“Therefore, we feel it is only right to support our valued store teams by giving them extended time off around Christmas and New Year.”

John Lewis and Waitrose

The John Lewis Partnership exclusively told The Sun it will be shut on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day, as will the majority of Waitrose stores.

There are more than 300 Waitrose shops and 33 John Lewis sites that will be closed, with only a few remaining open on the 26.

Only John Lewis shops within the Trafford and Stratford shopping centres will remain open.

Waitrose and The John Lewis Partnership closed most of their stores for these dates last year.


The home improvement retailer will shut all its branches on Boxing Day.

Homebase confirmed to The Sun that the 142 stores will close for a full 48 hours to allow staff time with their friends and families.

A spokesperson for the DIY Giant said: “We’ll once again be closing our stores on Boxing Day so our team can enjoy time with their friends and family over the festive period.”

Chains often advertise their festive opening hours on X and Facebook.

You can also try using a retailer’s store locator tool which should tell you the opening hours for your local branch.

Often if you call the store or ask a member of staff they will be able to help.

You can check out a list of other retailers closing here on Boxing Day here:

  • Screwfix
  • Wickes
  • M&S
  • Lidl
  • Iceland

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