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Austin native Glen Powell to star in latest hit: a look-alike competition

AUSTIN (KXAN) -- After an appearance in "Top Gun: Maverick" and leading roles in "Anyone but You," "Hitman" and "Twisters," Austin native and Hollywood A-lister Glen Powell is set to star in his latest smash hit: A look-alike competition.

The Texas actor is the center point of a Glen Powell look-alike contest at Auditorium Shores this Sunday. The tongue-in-cheek competition kicks off at 1 p.m., the latest in a string of celebrity doppelgänger events hosted in communities across the country.

Kate Carpenter is the mastermind behind Sunday's event, inspired by the momentum powering similar competitions for actors like Zendaya, Timothée Chalamet and Jeremy Allen White.

"I think the reason that look-alike competitions have picked up so much steam across the nation is because of how much interest people have in building community, particularly around the holidays at the end of the year, through free events and celebrating a figure that typically resonates within the city," she said. "For the Glen Powell-specific competition, we are so excited to celebrate an Austinite hometown hero, heartthrob. And the reason that it's picked up so much steam is because we can just tell people love the character, love the celebrity, but also love the novelty of the event."

A Glen Powell look-alike competition is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 24 at Auditorium Shores. (Courtesy Kate Carpenter)

Carpenter added it's been incredible to see Powell's "persona and his charisma" recognized and celebrated by a wider audience as his star power has grown. From moving back to Austin from Los Angeles and resuming his studies at the University of Texas at Austin -- including some frequent appearances at Longhorns football games -- she said he hasn't forgotten his roots.

"Glen Powell is an enigma," she said, adding: "[It's] been so great to see somebody from Austin really living his dream and getting to be able to come together as a community and have a small piece of that dream with him, and find our next Glen Powell 2.0 is such a celebration in its own way."

As for putting on an event of this nature, Carpenter said she didn't realize going into it all the components needed to pull it off. Despite that workload, she said it's been rewarding to meet people across the city in the process who are equally as excited to work on it and promote it.

The event doesn't feature any sponsorships or major assistance; instead, it's Carpenter alongside a team of her friends cultivating the public event and, hopefully, giving residents something fun, quirky and a bit unconventional to bask in this weekend.

"At the core and the heart of the Glen Powell look-alike contest, it's just spontaneity with a touch of fun and excitement and celebration," she said. "So that's what we can expect on Sunday -- and some really hunky looking people competing, of course."

It's also some added justice and retribution after the actor -- a presumed frontrunner for People Magazine's annual Sexiest Man Alive award -- didn't ultimately take the crown.

Many fans online considered it a snub, with some even joking: "if you are in line to vote for glen powell STAY IN LINE."

As for whether Powell will make an appearance at the event designating his 2.0 successor, Carpenter said she isn't stressing too much about that. As a booked and busy actor, that's part of the celebration, she said; it's an acknowledgement of how successful 2024 has been for him, and all the projects to come.

"If Glen Powell can make it, he will be so celebrated and excited. But regardless, he's still celebrated, whether he's there or not," she said. "But you know, there's a UT football game this weekend -- who knows what's going to happen."

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