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DR. NICOLE SAPHIER: Alarming rise of this cancer in younger women requires a surprising approach

Breast cancer has long been considered a disease primarily affecting older women, but alarming data reveals a growing prevalence among younger women. While advancements in medical imaging and early detection have shed light on this shift, deeper societal trends — specifically, declining birth rates, delayed pregnancies and diminished emphasis on breastfeeding — also play a significant role. These changes, often viewed through the lens of progress, warrant a closer examination when considering their impact on women’s health. 

One of the most significant societal shifts in recent decades has been a decline in birth rates. In the United States, the birth rate dropped from 118 births per 1,000 women in 1960 to about 58 in 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  

Women are also waiting longer to have children, with the average age of first-time mothers increasing from 21 in 1970 to 30 in some urban areas today. While this delay allows women to pursue careers and personal growth, it also correlates with increased risks for breast cancer. 


Research shows that having children at a younger age provides a protective effect against breast cancer. Early pregnancies reduce a woman’s lifetime exposure to estrogen, a hormone linked to certain breast cancers. Prolonged exposure — due to fewer pregnancies or delayed childbearing — can elevate the risk. 

In fact, a study published in The Lancet Oncology highlighted this risk by reporting women who had their first child after age 35 faced a higher risk of breast cancer compared to those who gave birth before age 25. 

Breastfeeding, often overshadowed in public health discussions, offers remarkable protective benefits against breast cancer. Women who breastfeed experience lower lifetime estrogen levels, as breastfeeding suppresses ovulation for extended periods. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that breastfeeding for at least 12 months reduces breast cancer risk by about 4% for every 12 months of breastfeeding.  

A low cancer risk is only one of the many benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their children. Yet, breastfeeding rates in many countries remain below optimal levels, with barriers such as workplace policies, cultural stigmas and lack of support deterring women from breastfeeding for longer durations. Also, women are simply choosing not to breastfeed because of lifestyle preferences. It's true, as a mom who breastfed three kids, breastfeeding is hard. 


However, the societal undervaluing of breastfeeding reflects a broader issue: insufficient emphasis on its long-term health benefits. Public health campaigns often focus on the immediate advantages for infants but overlook its significance in reducing maternal cancer risk. 

While no single factor explains the rise in breast cancer among younger women, declining birth rates, delayed pregnancies and reduced breastfeeding collectively contribute to this trend. 

To address the rising prevalence of breast cancer and promote overall women’s health, we need a cultural shift that celebrates a woman’s ability to have children and raise a family, rather than framing it with fear and anxiety. Society often emphasizes the challenges of parenthood-career sacrifices, financial strain, physical demand and even climate change-while undervaluing the profound health benefits and sense of fulfillment derived from motherhood.  

Empowering women to embrace their reproductive choices requires reshaping the narrative to highlight strengths and rewards of parenthood, while also addressing systemic barriers. Families must have access to affordable, nutrient rich foods, safe housing and comprehensive healthcare, ensuring that healthy pregnancies, breast-feeding and long-term wellbeing are attainable for everyone. It’s time we create culture and policy that uplifts women rather than discourages them from having children.  

As society evolves, so do its health challenges. The rise in breast cancer among younger women serves as a stark reminder that our choices — both individual and collective — shape public health. While progress in women's empowerment should never be undermined, it’s vital to balance these advancements with an informed understanding of their potential health trade-offs. Only then can we work toward a future where women's health is prioritized at every stage of life. 


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