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На энергоблоке №3 Смоленской АЭС с опережением графика завершился плановый ремонт с модернизацией оборудования

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‘Buy these cars and use them’: Man shows the real reason Lexus ditched the V8 on the LX570

Cars are undergoing massive changes as new laws and regulations alter how vehicles are made. This means tried and true engine models like the V8 are beginning to be phased out for electric and hybrid alternatives.

However, some people are not too happy with this change. According to Nissan, V8 engines offer more horsepower and torque due to two rows of four cylinders. Because they offer more power, they are commonly found in larger vehicles like SUVs and trucks as well as sports cars. For car enthusiasts, torque and power matter more than saving a few bucks on gas, and they've let many car enthusiasts on social media know in the comment sections.

In response, automotive buying service MotorMatchers (@motormatchers) posted a short video on TikTok. In the video, he uses the Lexus LX570 as an example of why these engines are being replaced with eco-friendly models.

Viewed over 400,000 times, the video divided users and sparked an interesting debate on why some people are not happy to see V8 go the way of the dodo.

Why are V8s getting phased out?

According to MotorMatchers, the engines are being phased out for a simple reason: Miles per gallon.

Using his mom's 2016 Lexus LX570 as an example, he lays out how people care more about affordable gas prices than torque or power.

"It's a 2016 Lexus LX570 with a 11.6 mpg lifetime average. We've owned this car since it was new and the light has never been reset. My mom drives this thing to the grocery store and we drive to the airport to pick up family that's it. 38,000 miles in nine years. We're averaging 11.6 mpg. The people who are buying these cars and not actually driving don't care if it has a V8, they don't car if it has a 5.7. They care that it's getting 15 mpg instead of 11.6," he said.

It's true that newer engines are designed to be more fuel efficient. This is due to a 2022 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule, establishing a 55 mpg corporate average for the 2026 models. Center for Environmental Excellence explains that this move is designed to save American motorists between $210-$420 billion through 2050.

Dealership Firkins Jeep adds that on top of government regulations, fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles have a higher demand than traditional V8 engine models. According to the dealership, "These systems offer several advantages over traditional internal combustion engines, including lower emissions, improved fuel economy and instant torque delivery."

Additionally, battery technology advancements will allow electric vehicles to become more "viable alternative."

Did viewers agree?

The short answer is no. In the comments section, many viewers shredded his argument, explaining that reliability was far more important that mpg.

"This is the cost of reliability. You own the most reliable vehicle on the planet," one said.

"People that can afford those trucks don’t about gas mileage. Never have," a second added.

"I have a V8 5.7 I don’t care about mpg. If I did I would get a Prius," a third replied.

"The short trips are killing the MPG," a fourth pointed out.

"My guy... Driving in traffic to the airport or grocery store. NO vehicle gets its optimal mpg. That’s literally the toughest miles you can put on a vehicle," a user argued.

Moreover, other users pointed to the need for V8 engine power in real life situations.

"I've driven V8 trucks for 25 years. 16 to 22 mpg other than towing. Towing 8000 lbs I get 12 mpg at 75 mph. How is it that bad?" one asked.

"I have couple LX570, I go up to high elevations under heavy load with full passenger capacity and do steepest road in the US 45% slope in rain/mud at max rpm often. It's the only vehicle that can do it," a second agreed.

Although most commenters stuck up for the V8, some agreed with the video's message.

"I got rid of my QX80 for this same reason," a user said.

"The new one has a hybrid motor. Trade it in," a user advised.

@motormatchers This is for all the 14 year olds commenting “Why no V8?” on every car review I see. #lexus #lx570 #lc200 #toyota #mpg #landcruiser #fyp #trdpro #reliable #motormatchers #soccermom #dailydriver ♬ original sound - MotorMatchers

The Daily Dot reached out to MotorMatchers via TikTok comments for comment.

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The post ‘Buy these cars and use them’: Man shows the real reason Lexus ditched the V8 on the LX570 appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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