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‘My mind was blown’: Woman finds Starbucks receipt from 2021. She can’t believe what the specialty drinks used to cost

One coffee lover was taken aback by how much more expensive her go-to specialty drinks have become over the years. Kels Marie (@kels00ii) posted a TikTok video recently, comparing an old Starbucks receipt from 2021 to today’s prices, shocked at the price differences. The video quickly went viral, amassing over 262,000 views.

At the start of the video, Marie holds up an old Starbucks receipt.

“OK, this receipt is a Starbucks receipt from 2021. Look at how much the specialty drinks used to be,” he says, pointing to the prices.

She then lists the prices of the specialty drinks: The Grande Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew for $4.75, the Iced White Chocolate Mocha for $4.95, and the Grande Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew for $4.95.

“What the heck guys? What happened? Inflation? [They’re almost $6.95] now. Crazy!” she exclaims, sounding incredulous. The video ends shortly after.

The growing unpopularity of overpriced Starbucks drinks

The price increases highlight a growing concern among Starbucks customers. The chain is becoming too expensive. An April Wall Street Journal article reported that a proprietary survey from Deutsche Bank analysts found that 45% of consumers are either purchasing less from Starbucks or have stopped buying altogether. Of those, 47% pointed to high prices as the main reason for the shift.

By comparing prices at the same Starbucks location in Decatur, Georgia, to those on the receipt from the video, there’s a noticeable price difference between the three drinks purchased in 2021 and their current prices. On average, prices have increased by $1.15.

The Grande Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is now $5.89, up $1.14; the Iced White Chocolate Mocha is now $5.95, a $1 increase; and the Grande Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew is now $6.25, a rise of $1.30.

These increases reflect broader concerns among Starbucks customers, as many feel the chain is becoming increasingly unaffordable.

Commenters nostalgic for the days when Starbucks wasn’t too expensive

The comment section was filled with frustration and discontent as customers voiced their dissatisfaction with the price increases on their favorite Starbucks drinks. Some shared Marie's incredulousness about the price difference in the video, while others nostalgically remembered when they could pay for their go-to order with just a five-dollar bill.

“I remember going [to Starbucks back] in high school in 2014[.] [...] I could go with a $5 bill and get change back on my iced white mocha. So sad,” one person commented.

“​​[Yeah] [you] used to be able to reload your Starbucks card with $5 [because] you could get a drink with tha[.], [Now] it’s [minimum] $10,” someone else pointed out.

“I got a grande caramel crème brûlée latte today and it was $6.77 and it wasn’t even good.”

“I got a TALL holiday drink the other day and it was $6.22. No subs or add-ons!” another exclaimed.

Starbucks price hikes have changed her habits

When the Daily Dot spoke with Marie, she discussed how Starbucks has become too expensive and how the price increases have impacted her ability and desire to purchase from the chain.

“I think how often I buy Starbucks [has] decreased. I have a location less than a mile from my house and do not go often. [...] The quality does [not] justify the higher price. I’ve tried all of the [specialty] drinks and most of them lack the holiday flavor,” she wrote.

@kels00ii My mind was blown when i saw this & i just had to share ???? #starbucks #inflation ♬ original sound - Kels Marie ✨

She continued, “I don’t think it’s worth the price, but I think it’s become such a staple to ‘treat yourself’ to a coffee or something sweet when you’re having a bad day. It’s such a big chain, it’ll always be around, but I do wish there were more local options to support. The local coffee shops have a better atmosphere and better quality coffee.”

Starbucks did not immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s request for a statement.

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The post ‘My mind was blown’: Woman finds Starbucks receipt from 2021. She can’t believe what the specialty drinks used to cost appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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