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‘The BBQ patties that Banquet sells’: Former McDonald’s chef warns against the store-bought McRib sauce. Here’s why

Since the 2000s, McDonald’s has released its famous McRib yearly around the holidays. This year, however, the chain is doing something new. Starting Nov. 25, people can snag a half-gallon jug of it called A Whole Lotta McRib Sauce. But not everyone is on board.

TikTok user Chef Mike Haracz (@chefmikeharacz) a former McDonald’s corporate chef who dedicates his account to all things McDonald’s for his 319,000 followers. “The McRib is coming back with a secret twist,” he says in a video with over 9,400 views.

He notes that the promotion is available at participating locations. “There’s another thing that they’re doing and the picture here is a big old jug of barbecue sauce that you can buy,” the chef says, pointing below to a photo of gallon McRib sauce.

A warning against store-bought McRib sauce

However, the content creator doesn’t think buying it is a good idea. “Might I recommend you just buy your normal favorite barbecue sauce? You’re gonna taste it with the McRib in it, without it sitting in UHC [universal holding cabinet],” he says.

But Haracz leaves it up to viewers to make this decision. “So, go ahead and buy it. Let me know what you think when you get it,” he says. “Maybe that will help you actually make a dupe recipe so you won’t have to buy it.”

“But I hope you all enjoy your McRib season. McRib sandwich is a 4 out of 10, normally,” he concludes. 

Viewers have outgrown the hype

In the comments, users indicated they are past the McRib hype.

“McRib has always been a little bit sketch. Loved it years ago when I hadn’t formed taste buds yet. Yes, I’m sure I’ll still go get one,” one viewer wrote.

“Used to LOVE the McRib, but as I’ve gotten older it’s a pass for me the last several years,” another commented.

A third remarked, “McRib is the deadbeat dad of sandwiches. Comes around once a year and you gotta act like you like it.”

Furthermore, others made comparisons to the sandwich.

“The BBQ patties that Banquet sells in TV dinners taste basically the same as the McRib,” one user stated.

“Meals on Wheels had a pork that was shaped exactly like the McRib was. Tasted like it, too. Just didn’t have the sauce on it,” a second said.

Why is McDonald's selling jugs of McRib sauce?

Since the McRib is an annual tradition already, McDonald's decided to up the ante with these promotional, half-gallon jugs of McRib sauce.

“The McRib is more than a sandwich—it’s a part of culture, it’s a legend, it’s an event,” said Tariq Hassan, chief marketing and customer experience officer at McDonald’s, in a press release announcing the promotion. “McRib SZN is a holiday unto itself, so we wanted to embrace that spirit and give fans an even bigger way to celebrate this year with A Whole Lotta McRib Sauce.”

Which barbecue sauce is similar to the McRib sauce?

Tangy sauces are the type to search for. Mashed recommends Hunt's Original Barbecue Sauce or Bull's Eye Sweet and Tangy because the flavors are similar and share some of the same ingredients.

If you want the real thing, however, you can snag your jug of A Whole Lotta McRib Sauce on the McDonald's website for $19.99.

@chefmikeharacz Former #McDonalds corporate chef talks about the #McRib coming back! #mcdonaldshacks #mcdonaldssecrets #mcdonaldsccsing #mcdonaldschallenge #mcdonaldstiktok #mcribisback #mcribszn #mcribsandwich #FYP #food #foodtiktok #foodtok #foodies #foodreview #foodcritic ♬ original sound - Chef Mike Haracz

The Daily Dot reached out to Haracz via TikTok comment and direct message as well as McDonald’s via press email.

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The post ‘The BBQ patties that Banquet sells’: Former McDonald’s chef warns against the store-bought McRib sauce. Here’s why appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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