Sen. Mike Rounds sat down for an interview with CNBC. The host pointed out that parents of special needs children are having a FAFO moment as they realize that the funding for their children's education services are about to get cut. She went on to ask if the feds were going to ensure the necessary services are provided or if they were going to let the courts do it.
Rounds answered showed that he doesn't know how government works and that it was not all about the children:
I think it, excuse me, with Special Ed as the example, nobody wants to take away funding for Special Ed but what you do find is that the federal government has always underfunded special education and so the folks at the local level end up picking up a significant amount of the costs involved right now and yet rather than becoming more efficient or direct with their funding and taking care of it we suddenly think that somebody at the federal level is going to make a better decision about how to help that young person than somebody at the local or state level. I think we've got to go back to allowing the state and local entities a little bit more authority.
While I think we could agree that no one wants to cut special education funding, the GOP are still going to do it because, frankly, they don't give a damn. They're more interested in taking care of needy CEOs and campaign donors, making sure their tax cuts are going to be big enough.