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Pregnant Charlotte Crosby rushed to hospital with stomach pains after burglary hell reveals worried fiance Jake

CHARLOTTE Crosby has been rushed to hospital with stomach pains after her burglary hell earlier this week.

The 34-year-old is currently heavily pregnant with her second child.

Charlotte Crobsy has been rushed to hospital[/caption]
Jake shared this post on his Instagram[/caption]
Charlotte shared a picture of her with a thumbs up in hospital[/caption]

Her fiance Jake Ankers, 33 – who she also shares daughter Alba, two, with – shared a snap of her lying on a hospital bed to his Instagram story.

Jake said: “We are not having a good week!!!

“Now Charlotte has been rushed in to hospital as she is having serious pains in her stomach, they are running all the necessary checks to make sure Charlotte and baby are ok.”

Earlier this week Jake revealed that a gang of masked robbers armed with machetes stormed inside their Sunderland home.

He added on his post: “Thank you once again to everyone that reached out about Thursday night, we really do appreciate it!

“Huge love to our community where we live also your support has been fantastic.”

In the early hours of this morning Geordie Shore favourite Charlotte shared a picture of her lying in the bath.

She said: “Guys I honestly don’t even know where to start with what’s been going on in the last 48 hours.

“Words can’t even describe the fear we have been living in! I never in my life want to go through that ever again!

“I don’t even want to relive it.”

Three hours later the mum shared a video of her in a hospital room with Jake.

“At least I have him to keep me smiling now in hospital…,” she told her Snapchat followers.

Charlotte then shared a picture of her lying on a hospital bed with the caption: “Back in hospital.”

On Thursday night Jake revealed he tried to chase the thugs outside their house but failed to nab them after the horror ordeal.

Speaking on an Instagram story, Jake said: “I can’t believe I’m saying this but some little c**** tried to rob my house with my two-year-old and my partner who is nearly eight months pregnant, armed with a machete.

“I am f****** amazed I chased all four of them but I could not catch them. If anyone has got any information please message me immediately.

“One of them was wearing a red balaclava.”

The couple moved into their stunning property back in 2021.

Back in September the pair revealed the happy news that they were expecting their second child, two years after giving birth to daughter Alba.

Just a few days ago, Crosby was left in floods of tears, saying: “It’s just so hard,” as she revealed her huge mum guilt.

She told fans about her regret over leaving her little girl for a work trip.

Speaking in a Snapchat video, the Geordie Shore alum said: “Guys, I have just had the most emotional time so it’s so stupid cos I know she’ll be fine, but it’s just literally so heart-wrenching.

“Alba literally moved up to a new room today and the nursery… I knew that she was probably gonna have a little cry about going in there, but I didn’t know how much she was gonna cry and how switched on she was about how she wanted to go to her old room.

“So when I was like, ‘Oh no, we have to go up the stairs,’ she was like… Just so hard. Obviously, so hormonal, but it’s horrible. It’s horrible.

“You just feel so awful and I’ve got to go to London for work for tomorrow and then Wednesday, I’m not back till Thursday, so I’m gonna worry about it.

“Please just tell us this is pregnancy hormones.”

Charlotte and Jake started dating in 2021.

The couple got engaged in November last year.

Charlotte opened up about the last 48 hours on Snapchat earlier today before going to hospital[/caption]
Charlotte shared this video of Jake on her Snapchat[/caption]
Charlotte and Jake have been together since 2021[/caption]

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