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I’m the world’s bravest Arsenal fan – I live next to Stamford Bridge & torment Chelsea by hanging shirts in my window

THE “world’s bravest Arsenal fan” lives next to Stamford Bridge and hangs rival shirts out of his window to torment Chelsea fans.

Andy Daniels, 63, moved opposite the stadium in 2019, but that hasn’t stopped him being a loud and proud Arsenal supporter. 

Kevin Dunnett
Andy Daniels, 63, says he is the bravest Arsenal fan in London[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
The ex-veteran moved next to Chelsea stadium and decided it was time to wind up fans[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
Arsenal merchandise can be spotted in Andy’s widow from the Matthew Harding Stand[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
Andy hangs Arsenal t-shirts, flags and banners outside his flat in Stamford Bridge[/caption]

In Andy’s window are two Arsenal shirts, a banner, a flag and two portraits of players.

These can be clearly spotted from from the Matthew Harding Stand in the stadium grounds. 

The ex-veteran said: “I just love to torment them it’s what I do.

“As soon as they go through the turnstiles they have to see it. 

“When I first put it up there I thought ‘I’m gonna get my windows smashed in’ but they didn’t, and now it’s been there for three seasons.”

Andy said he used to give Chelsea fans the middle finger from his window but has since moved on to a more mature approach.

Video clips of his bright-red window panning onto Stamford bridge have popped up all over social media, with some racking up thousands of views. 

Some comments have warned the footy enthusiast that he’s lucky that his window is still intact with others agreeing it’s a bold move.

Andy added: “Obviously a lot of comments are insulting but I don’t take any notice of that.

“I didn’t even know what flat I was getting when I first moved in, as soon as I did I  thought ‘I know what I’m going to do.’

“I’m the bravest Arsenal fan in London, totally.”

Andy’s neighbours think the wind-up is all in good spirits and enjoy the banter it brings to the estate.

One resident said: “People laugh and take pictures.

“I used to think ‘what are they taking pictures of’ and then he told me ‘oh I’ve got a flag in the window.’

“I’ve never heard a bad reaction.”


Inside Andy’s flat, which is located directly opposite the Matthew Harding Stand, are countless pieces of Arsenal memorabilia. 

He shares it with his wife Anne who isn’t quite as passionate about the game, but Andy is thrilled his home looks more like a museum than an apartment.

Andy owns 150 scarves, 25 shirts, some with signatures, hats, flags banners, and a cabinet covering an entire wall full of match programs – all dedicated to his favourite club.

“I’ve got about 4,000 programs, including the 1930’s FA cup final Arsenal vs Huddesfield original – it’s worth a grand alone.”

There was a framed picture of the Arsenal ladies team from their successful 2007 season as well as autographs books and even pre-war cup finals programs.

Stacks of Arsenal-themed collectibles were displayed proudly in the living room including Arsenal Monopoly, Arsenal Trivial Pursuit, and Arsenal Encyclopedias.

The self-professed Gooner was born in Highbury and developed a passion for the sport after his dad took him to his first football game.

“He took my to cricket one time at Lords and I fell asleep, I hated it.”

Andy, who has a passion for sketching, has two kids with his former partner who thankfully are also fans of the Holloway-based club.

After serving in the armed forces for five years, he worked in a poppy factory making wreaths, and even met Queen Camilla while he was there.


Unfortunately, the dedicated fan might not be able to tease his rivals for that much longer as Chelsea has bought up the premises – forcing all estate members to move out.

One neighbour said: “We didn’t want to move, no one wants to move.

“We were told we haven’t got a choice.”

The residents will be rehoused once Chelsea takes over the area in July 2025.

They’ll be moved to New Kings road where, much to his disappointment, Andy’s Arsenal shirts will cause less of a stir.

Despite being saddened by the move, he stands by his current title of “Bravest Arsenal fan in London” and said “get your pictures while you can.”

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The football fanatic used to throw up obscene gestures but now sticks to showing off his merch[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
Andy showed Sun reporter Freya Parsons his collection of Arsenal memorabilia[/caption]
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TikTok videos of Andy’s window have gone viral, racking up thousands of views[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
Inside the flat are framed programs going back decades[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
‘Born and bred’ in Highbury, Andy has been an Arsenal fan all his life[/caption]
Kevin Dunnett
His apartment was stacked with with priceless artefacts which he proudly displays throughout the flat[/caption]

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