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‘He’s not been the same since’ – Joe Rogan pinpoints the exact moment Conor McGregor ‘self-destructed’

JOE ROGAN has pinpointed the moment he believes Conor McGregor “self-destructed”.

The UFC superstar, 36, was this week deemed liable to have assaulted a woman at a Dublin hotel in December 2018 following a civil trial.

Conor McGregor has been found liable to have assaulted Nikita Hand at a Dublin hotel in December 2018
McGregor maintained his innocence throughout the rape trial but has been ordered to pay £206,000 in damages
The civil court ruling epitomises McGregor’s downfall[/caption]
UFC commentator Joe Rogan believes McGregor “self-destructed” after his fight with Floyd Mayweather
McGregor took home the biggest payday of his career when he boxed Mayweather in 2017[/caption]

The former two-weight world champion was accused of “brutally raping and battering” Nikita Hand at the Beacon Hotel but insists they had consensual sex.

Controversy has courted the polarising mixed martial arts fighter, who was once a beloved figure, for the last six years.

And veteran UFC commentator Rogan believes the root of McGregor’s troubles is the whopping payday he received for his crossover clash with boxing icon Floyd Mayweather in August 2017, which he reportedly earned over £100million for.

During a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, he said: “Conor self-destructed in a lot of ways because of money.

“He took that fight with Floyd Mayweather, made a ton of money off that.”

Rogan, like many others, was a big admirer of McGregor – who is said to have a net worth of £160m – when he was at the peak of his powers.

But they waned considerably during a near two-year hiatus from the cage following his masterclass against Eddie Alvarez at UFC 205 in November 2016.

Rogan continued: “And then took a long time before he came back to MMA—and he’s just not been the same guy since.

Does Conor McGregor have any chance of continuing UFC career?

FORMER UFC champion Conor McGregor was found to have assaulted a woman who accused him of raping her in a Dublin hotel, a civil court jury found on Friday.

The 36-year-old was accused of “brutally raping and battering” Nikita Hand in December 2018.

He will now have to pay Ms Hand 248,603.60 euros in damages.

Despite losing his case, McGregor has vowed to appeal.

The Irishman’s future in MMA and UFC is now in doubt. He hasn’t been in the octagon since July 2021 when he broke his leg and was stopped against Dustin Poirier.

Here’s what SunSport’s chief MMA reporter Chisanga Malata had to say about the situation…

“The ruling, which came in a civil court, not a criminal court, has given the UFC arguably its biggest-ever headache in its 31-year run. MMA chiefs will now have to make a major decision over their poster boy.

“Personally, I think he fights again. There is a precedent for it. Just look at the man who fought Jake Paul last week.

“Of course, I’m talking about former undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, who was sent to jail in the 1990s for rape. He came out and he had a successful career after that, making millions upon millions of pounds before retiring in 2005.

“Sadly, there is a precedent for it. But the UFC now has a massive decision to make. As I said, I think he fights again. I think they stick to the plan that was announced last week at the UFC 309 post-fight press conference and they have him fight late 2025.

“Perhaps they said late 2025 in anticipation of this ruling not going McGregor’s way and giving some time for this to blow over – even though something of this magnitude can never, ever blow over.

“I believe McGregor will fight again barring a sensational decision from Dana White and all the investors and they axe their poster boy. But I just don’t see that happening and I do see him returning to the octagon late next year.

“Questions will have to be asked of the UFC and rightly so. But more so of the man himself, Mr McGregor.”

“I think that’s just money, it’s a lot of partying, but it’s the same kind of thing. It’s just wild.

“But when Conor was in his prime, he was a f***ing assassin.”

Dublin’s High Court has ordered McGregor to pay Ms Hand £206,000 (€250,000) in damages.

But the MMA legend, who fought back tears after the verdict, has vowed to APPEAL the ruling.

He took to X to write: “I will be appealing today’s decision.

“The judge’s instruction and the modest award given was for assault, not for aggravated or exemplary damages.

“I am disappointed that the jury did not hear all the evidence that the DPP reviewed.

“I am with my family now, focused on my future. Thank you to all my support worldwide.”

McGregor hasn’t fought since breaking his leg in his trilogy fight with Dustin Poirier over three years ago.

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