THOUSAND OAKS — The Thousand Oaks football team’s CIF Southern Section Division 4 playoff run was halted on Friday night when the Lancers fell 28-16 to Oxnard Pacifica.
“I’m just proud of the growth and their commitment to each other, their commitment to the team and their commitment to Thousand Oaks football,” head coach Ben McEnroe said. “Things don’t always go your way and you’ve got to bounce back.”
Thousand Oaks’ Luke Sullivan carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game against Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Pacifica’s Isaiah Phelps carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game against Thousand Oaks at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Pacifica’s Isaiah Phelps carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game against Thousand Oaks at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Luke Sullivan carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game again Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Pacifica’s Alijah Royster is tackled by Thousand Oaks’ Adam Soto during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Justin Lewis on his way to score a touchdown against Pacifica during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Justin Lewis carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game again Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Justin Lewis on his way to score a touchdown against Pacifica during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Carson Lewis is tackled by Pacifica’s Juju Hernandez during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Luke Sullivan carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game again Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Pacifica’s Alijah Royster carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game against Thousand Oaks at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Justin Lewis celebrates after scoring a touchdown against Pacifica during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Justin Lewis carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game again Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Justin Lewis on his way to score a touchdown against Pacifica during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Carson Lewis carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game again Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Pacifica’s Alijah Royster carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game against Thousand Oaks at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Thousand Oaks’ Jonathon McDermott carries the ball during first quarter action against Pacifica during their CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
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Thousand Oaks’ Luke Sullivan carries the ball during the CIF Southern Section Division 4 semifinal game against Pacifica at Thousand Oaks on Friday, Nov. 22, 2024.(Photo by Mark Savage, Contributing Photographer)
Pacifica sophomore Alijah Royster had a hand in all four of his team’s touchdowns and the Tritons capitalized on two interceptions to help win the game.
“Elite speed and quickness,” McEnroe said. “That guy can change directions on a dime. And he’s deceptively strong.”
Thousand Oaks scored on a 51-yard touchdown play with a pass from quarterback Jackson Taylor to Carson Lewis with 3:43 left in the game and the Lancers recovered the onside kick to maintain possession while trailing 28-16.
A personal foul set Thousand Oaks back for a fourth-and-long situation and Taylor was sacked before he could get a pass off. Two second-half interceptions also dramatically reduced the Lancers’ chance at a comeback.
“We’ve got to be able to have games where when we fall behind and with our style of play with the clock ticking, we can make big plays,” McEnroe said. “We’ve got to be more consistent with that. Once we get that, the sky’s the limit.”
Thousand Oaks used a balanced offense in the first half. The Lancers rumbled down the field behind the efforts of running back Justin Lewis, but it was the passing game that got Thousand Oaks within four points of tying the game as the first half came to a close.
The defense forced Pacifica quarterback Dominic Duran to throw three incomplete passes for a turnover on downs and quarterback Jackson Taylor got to work.
A holding penalty put Thousand Oaks in a first-and-long situation, but Taylor fired an 18-yard pass to Luke Sullivan to make up for the lost yardage. A 3-yard run by Lewis got the Lancers a first down and Taylor hit Hayden Vercher with a 7-yard pass to keep the ball moving downfield.
Ryan Leff made a 26-yard field goal with 10.8 seconds left until halftime to bring the score to 14-10 in Pacifica’s favor.
Taylor and Lewis clicked early when the junior quarterback sent a quick screen pass to Lewis, who took off to finish the job and complete a 40-yard touchdown play less than three minutes into the game.
“We’re still growing,” McEnroe said. “We’re at our best when we’re balanced and keeping people off balance.”
Pacifica responded with a touchdown on the ground in the first quarter and another through the air at the start of the second frame.
Bret Warner sacked Duran as the first quarter came to a close, but the Tritons were able to keep the momentum when Alijah Royster scored on a 12-yard run, then Duran sent a 6-yard touchdown pass to Royster for a 14-7 advantage.
Royster also hauled in two touchdown passes from Duran in the fourth quarter to help seal the win.
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