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Conor McGregor’s party lifestyle laid bare with boozy nightclub binges & drug use – as jury finds he assaulted woman

CONOR McGregor’s late night party antics were laid bare in civil court before a jury found he did assault a woman.

The civil trial heard how McGregor, 36, indulged in parties, boozy night club binges and drug use.

Instagram / @thenotoriousmma
Conor McGregor partying in Ibiza[/caption]
Instagram / @thenotoriousmma
McGregor pictured at a club[/caption]
McGregor leaving court on Friday with partner Dee

Despite renting a luxury mansion with his partner, Irish mixed martial arts fighter McGregor – who is reported to be worth around £160 million – said he would often book hotel rooms after nights out.

On Friday, a jury in the civil case against McGregor decided he had assaulted Nikita Hand at a hotel in Dublin.

Ms Hand, 35, accused the sports star of “brutally raping and battering” her in a penthouse at the Beacon Hotel in south Dublin.

The mum-of-one, who is also known as Nikita Ni Laimhin, lost her case against another man, James Lawrence, who she accused of assaulting her by allegedly having sex without her consent at the same hotel.

McGregor claimed he had consensual sex with Ms Hand after a Christmas night out on December 9, 2018.

At the time, McGregor was renting a €1 million (3830k) home in an exclusive community within a five-star County Kildare resort with fiancee Dee Devlin.

He told the trial how after hearing about a club night taking place in Dublin, he asked a security guard at his home to drive him there as he planned to drink.

A group – including McGregor – then moved to Krystle nightclub, where he ordered rounds of drinks to a private table.

The MMA fighter claimed they then went in search of an after party in a car.

McGregor told the trial he had asked his security guard to book a hotel room for him, which was done at 4.30am.

He claimed he had previously booked rooms during nights out so he could go there to sleep, shower and have breakfast before going home.

McGregor denied suggestions he would book rooms to “bring back girls for sex” – but said he would use rooms for after parties.

The sportsman said he was with a group of woman after leaving Krystle nightclub, who were dropped home after being driving around in his car.

Ms Hand’s lawyer, John Gordon, suggested McGregor contacted Ms Hand after the women left as a replacement.

But he denied this, and claimed as Ms Hand and her friend Danielle Kealy were still partying, he wanted to continue the night with them.

Ms Hand and McGregor had been in contact via Instagram the night before.

After further messages, McGregor was driven to her hair salon, where he picked her and Ms Kealy up after 10am.

McGregor also admitted during the case that he had cocaine in his car.

They then picked up McGregor’s friend James Lawrence before going to the Beacon Hotel’s penthouse suite, paid for by McGregor.

Bottles of alcohol were ordered to the room shortly after midday, and McGregor’s bank card was also used to buy condoms.

Ms Hand said McGregor raped her in the bedroom of the suite, which he denied.

Nikita Hand speaking outside court[/caption]
McGregor, pictured outside court, claimed the sex was consensual[/caption]
Instagram @thenotoriousmma
McGregor posting on a Saturday night while in the South of France[/caption]
The martial arts fighter showing off a Rolls Royce while in Miami[/caption]

Both agreed no condom was used.

While the mixed martial arts fighter described the mood throughout their time in the penthouse suite as “happy” and “playful” and “full of energy”, Ms Hand spoke of feeling afraid for her life.

Ms Hand gave evidence for two-and-a-half days, her voice shaking as she told the jury she had struggled to break free from McGregor, how she had been attacked, and how she thought she would never see her young daughter again.

After the hotel, McGregor was later driven home by a security guard, who also took Ms Kealy back to her home.

Ms Hand and Lawrence remained at the hotel, and Lawrence said he had sex with her twice with the condoms he got from the security guard.

She claimed she had no memory of sex with Lawrence, and after leaving the hotel told her friend she had been raped – without giving a name.

Ms Hand on Friday lost her case against Lawrence.

But she won her case against McGregor, with the civil court awarding her damages of 248,603.60 euros.

Ms Hand, who is also known as Nikita Ni Laimhin, said the assault after a night of partying left her heavily bruised and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Her voice trembled as she said a statement to the courthouse, saying she would never forget what happened to her but would now be able to move on with her life.

She thanked her family, partner, friends and all the supporters that had reached out to her online, but particularly her daughter.

Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor outside the High Court in Dublin[/caption]
McGregor at an after fight party and his Wynn Nightlife residency debut at the Encore Beach Club at Night at Wynn Las Vegas
Getty Images - Getty
Conor McGregor in front his private jet[/caption]

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