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Best supermarket beer and wine deals for Christmas including 25% off at Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons

MOST of us will want to raise a glass or two to toast the festive season, but the cost of alcohol can quickly spiral out of control.

Luckily, the big supermarkets have a number of special offers that can help you keep down costs.

Save on wine and beer with top deals[/caption]

It’s a good idea to plan the alcohol you are likely to need over the festive season now.

That way, you can get ahead and take advantage of any bulk buying offers, as well as look for special offers on the booze you want.

If you are after a particular brand of wine or beer, it’s worth using a price comparison site such as Price Runner to find the cheapest place to buy – it may not be from the big supermarkets.

And you should always check if you can get cashback through sites such as Quidco or Topcashback to help make an extra saving.

Here are some of the best offers around…


Most of us will manage to get through a fair amount of plonk over the festive season.

Plus, a bottle makes for an easy gift to a Christmas host.

Happily, many of the big supermarkets can help you save money with bulk buying offers.

Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Tesco all currently offer to buy six bottles of wine and save 25% off the total cost.

This is a perfect way to save cash if you were likely or planned to buy six or more bottles of wine over the festive period.

To take advantage of the offer at Tesco, you’ll need a Clubcard and stock up as soon as the deal finishes on December 2.

You’ll also need a Nectar card to tap into the offer at Sainsbury’s and a More card at Morrisons.

Asda is also offering the same deal from November 15 to December 15 and includes bottles that are already reduced in price.

You can choose from a wide selection of red, white and sparkling wines in most of the offers.

Marks and Spencer is also offering a bulk buy offer on wine, you’ll get a discount of 10% when you buy four bottles with this offer running into 2025.


Red wine is the perfect accompaniment to roast turkey, a festive cheese platter, or just for enjoying a roaring fire.

From November 18 until 24, Aldi is offering a number of cracking deals on wine including its Chilean Merlot, £3.99, down from £7.99, as well as its Californian Cabernet Sauvignon, down from £7.99 to while its Bordeaux Chateau Pomone 2015 will be £9.99 from £17.99.

Or if you enjoy 19 Crimes red wine, Aldi’s The Reprobates, £7.19, is a great cheaper alternative.

Marks and Spencer have dropped prices on 22 wines in time for Christmas, this includes the Burra Brook Shiraz, down from £7 to £6.50, and the Las Dalias malbec, down from £12 to £8.

And at Asda, its bottles on a ‘now’ price include the Camp Viejo rioja, which is down to £7 from £8.75.

If you’d rather have white wine, from November 18 to 24, Aldi also has an offer on its Côtes de Gascogne for £4.99, from £7.99.

If you love a sauvignon blanc, Marks and Spencer Koha Marlborough is down from £8 to £7.50.


Sparkling wine helps any occasion feel extra special and is perfect for Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

If you are looking for an alternative to Champagne, why not try a bottle of Cremant?

The French sparkling is made in the same way as the better-known Champagne but with grapes from different regions and costs a snip of the price.

Aldi’s Specially Selected Crémant de Loire is £8.99.

If you prefer a sweeter alternative, M&S’s Conte priuli is down from £8 to £7.50 for a bottle.


Get to Tesco armed with your Clubcard and you’ll get discounted prices on a range of lagers and ales right up until New Year’s Eve.

This includes 18 cans of Carling for £12 instead of £14.99, 12 bottles of Corona for £10 instead of £11.99, and 10 cans of Moretti for £10 instead of £12.

The supermarket is also offering Clubcard holders three for £6 on selected individual bottled beers, including Peroni, Estrella and Cobra. The offer saves around £1.50 off the usual cost.

Sainsbury’s is also reserving its best prices on beer for those with a Nectar card.

For example, you can get 18 bottles of Peroni for £20 instead of £25 or 12 San Miguel bottles for £10 instead of £12.50.

The supermarket is also offering two packs of selected beer for £22, this includes 17 Budweiser, 12 Pale Ale, and 10 Stella Artois. You’ll need to act fast to bag this offer as it ends on November 19.

There is also an offer on individual bottles where you can get four for £7 on selected ales until November 15.

Asda is currently offering three 10-packs of canned beer for £23, Heineken, Fosters and Brooklyn Pilsner are included in the deal.

If you’d rather buy bottles, you can get two for £20 on large packs, including Peroni and Stella.

Or there are two for £10 on selected smaller packs including Desperados and BrewDog.

How to save money on Christmas shopping

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save money on your Christmas shopping.

Limit the amount of presents – buying presents for all your family and friends can cost a bomb.

Instead, why not organise a Secret Santa between your inner circles so you’re not having to buy multiple presents.

Plan ahead – if you’ve got the stamina and budget, it’s worth buying your Christmas presents for the following year in the January sales.

Make sure you shop around for the best deals by using price comparison sites so you’re not forking out more than you should though.

Buy in Boxing Day sales – some retailers start their main Christmas sales early so you can actually snap up a bargain before December 25.

Delivery may cost you a bit more, but it can be worth it if the savings are decent.

Shop via outlet stores – you can save loads of money shopping via outlet stores like Amazon Warehouse or Office Offcuts.

They work by selling returned or slightly damaged products at a discounted rate, but usually any wear and tear is minor.

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