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I went BLIND after drinking ‘methanol-laced booze’ in Laos death hostel just days before 6 died, says Brit backpacker

A BRIT backpacker who drank two shots of alcohol at a hostel in Laos has told how she went blind after consuming the suspected methanol-tainted booze.

The unnamed tourist was given “free vodka” at the Nana Backpacker Hostel – where two teens who have since died from suspected methanol poisoning were also given free shots.

Duong Duc Toan, the manager of Nana Backpackers hostel where some of the victims were staying
Simone White, 28, died after a suspected methanol poisoning in Laos

She quickly became horrifically ill – experiencing temporary blindness, vomiting for an entire day and struggling to breath.

She told The Herald Sun: “I just thought I was hungover, I spent the day going between my room and the toilet, just vomiting.

“I had my eyes closed when I was walking to the toilet because I couldn’t see. I called my boyfriend and he said ‘please get some help, go to the hospital’.”

Her horrific experience came just days before six people – including a British lawyer – died after suspected methanol poisoning in Laos.

The backpacker had the free shots just before 3pm – before heading out with friends for a river tubing experience.

She later couldn’t remember any of the event – with three people in her group of 15 also falling ill.

Doctors had to put her on a saline drip for hours after she made it to the hospital with a heart-rate twice the normal speed.

The holidaymaker told how she had met some of the six travellers who died – saying she feels “so sad for Holly, Bianca, and their families.”

“I just feel terrible for them,” she added.

Melbourne teens Bianca Jones and Holly Bowles, both 19, were on their dream trip together after having saved up for a post-school adventure.

They were staying at the same Nana hostel in Vang Vieng, Laos, and were among some “100 guests” offered free vodka shots by management last week.

The following day, when they failed to check out, hostel guests alerted staff to their conditions.

According to reports, Holly was taken to a hospital in Laos capital Vientiane, and Bianca sent to Bangkok Hospital in Thailand where she was put on life support.

Bianca died on Thursday November 21 and Holly died the following day, with their families confirming the tragic news after flying out to be by their bedsides.

Simone White, a 28-year-old lawyer, from Kent, also died from the suspected mass poisoning.

It is not clear where she consumed the allegedly tainted alcohol – but both her and her friend Bethany Clarke were taken to hospital.

Bethany posted a chilling message to the Laos Backpacking Facebook group last week after the pair fell ill.

She said: “Urgent — please avoid all local spirits.

“Our group stayed in Vang Vieng and we drank free shots offered by one of the bars.

“Just avoid them as so not worth it. Six of us who drank from the same place are in hospital currently with methanol poisoning.”

Two unnamed Danish women in their 20s and an American man in his 50s has also died.

Police have launched a probe and are questioning staff at the hostel in an effort to unravel the tragic case which has claimed six lives.

It is not clear where the allegedly methanol-spiked drinks were consumed – or exactly how many unwell tourists remain in hospital.

The hostel confirmed to AP that the manager and owner had been held by police for questioning – although no charges have yet been filed.

Hostel manager and bartender Duong Duc Toan previously denied that any drinks served there could have made the holidaymakers ill.

The Laos government has publicly spoken about the tragic incident for the first time on Saturday.

It said officials are “profoundly saddened” by the deaths of the foreign tourists.

The government also vowed to get to the bottom of the case – with an investigation underway – and offered condolences to the families of those who have died.

Australian tourist Bianca Jones, 19, died in hospital
Holly Bowles, on holiday with her friend Bianca, also died
A warning notice displayed at the bar of Nana Backpack hostel this week

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