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‘How disrespectful’: Walmart shopper notices something strange about Proper Good’s soup packaging

A Walmart shopper is going viral on TikTok after calling out what he called the Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated labels on Proper Good’s soups.

User @donuthole66 recorded his video from one of Walmart’s grocery store aisles, seemingly struck by the soup’s packaging. “What kind of AI [expletive] is this?” he asked.

“You tell me this is not made from AI,” @donuthole66 said as he showed viewers packages of Proper Good soup. “Probably produced by AI, too.”

The content creator then zeroed in on the package of the brand’s cheeseburger soup, which featured a picture of a burger on its cover. @donuthole66 appeared to take issue with the image on the label, noting that the food looked artificial. 

He also noted that there were no tomatoes on the burger. 

“They didn’t put tomatoes on the burger,” @donuthole66 said. “How disrespectful.”

He then panned over to the container of Proper Good’s pepperoni pizza soup.

“I’ve never seen a pizza with that many slices of pepperoni on it,” @donuthole66 said. As of Friday, his video has amassed more than 3,800 views.

What is Proper Good? 

Launched in April 2020, the Austin-based brand sells 90-second, shelf-stable meals that are made with clean and functional ingredients. Its website features microwavable meals such as meatball marinated pasta, Thai red curry soup, and Jamaican jerk chicken soup, among many other items.

According to a 2021 write-up, Proper Good also sells meals that can accommodate plant-based, keto, and gluten/dairy-free diets. Individual meals start at roughly $5 with a subscription. Additionally, Proper Good said that all of its packaging is recyclable.

Proper Good appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank shortly after launching, in October 2021. It pitched itself as a brand that sells foods with high-quality ingredients for busy people with limited time to cook.

On the show, the sharks were complimentary of the food’s quality. Proper Soup ultimately struck a deal with Mark Cuban, who offered to invest $400,000 for 20% equity shares. The brand is still going strong today, with Walmart as one of its largest retailers. 

Viewers are fans of Proper Goods’ soup’s taste—but maybe not its packaging

On several Reddit threads, social media users have said that they are fans of the soup’s taste. Five months ago, a Reddit user posted to r/subscriboxer to say that Proper Good’s soup is “efficient, easy to prep, and clean to eat.” 

In their post, the customer noted that they liked Proper Soup’s user-friendly website. As for the taste, they said that they enjoyed that the meals contain natural ingredients. The only downside to one of the meals—Proper Soup’s chicken noodle soup—was that it was broth-heavy.

“If you are a soup fan… OR know someone who is, I'd highly recommend giving Proper Soup a go,” the Reddit user said. “Honestly I was more impressed with Proper Soup than many of the big name ‘meal kits’ I’ve tried.”

While it’s true that the brand is well-liked for its taste, some viewers who watched @donuthole66’s TikTok video are similarly unimpressed by the packaging.

“The pizza cheese drips are uncomfortably wet,” one user wrote.

“AI doesn’t know how to add tomato to a burger! It’s hilarious,” wrote another user. 

“Cyberpunk food,” a third viewer said. 

@donuthole66 #ai #food #fake #walmart #hello #this #tag #is #for #smart #people ♬ original sound - donuthole66

The Daily Dot has reached out to @donuthole66 via TikTok comment, Proper Soup through email, and to Walmart by way of its online contact form.

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The post ‘How disrespectful’: Walmart shopper notices something strange about Proper Good’s soup packaging appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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