Despite the considerable potential applications for helically chiral molecules across various sectors, their catalytic asymmetric synthesis remains nascent and has seen very limited advancement compared to that of central and axial chiral compounds, primarily owing to the scarcity of available starting materials and the immense challenges associated with achieving stereochemical control. Herein, we report an innovative approach to the facile synthesis and catalytic kinetic resolution of uniquely structured and stereochemically complex helical polycyclic phenols by using a steric hindrance–regulated enantioselective dearomative amination reaction. The distinguished aspects of this method include the exceptional stability of the dearomatized products and impressive versatility of the recovered substrates in the construction of enantioenriched helical frameworks. This work showcases that the strategic incorporation of appropriate steric groups near the reaction site of an electron-rich aromatic compound can indeed enable an interrupted Friedel-Crafts reaction, thus opening an alternate avenue for the study of dearomatization in nonfunctionalized arenes.
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