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House orders transfer of Sara Duterte’s chief of staff to women’s prison

MANILA, Philippines – The House committee on good government on late Friday night, November 22, ordered the transfer of Vice President Sara Duterte‘s chief of staff, Zuleika Lopez, from the chamber’s detention facility to the Women’s Correctional Facility in Mandaluyong City.

Duterte’s office shared a copy of the order with the media at midnight, saying that the House panel members had “unanimously approved” the transfer of Lopez’s detention following a special meeting on Friday.

Manila 3rd district Representative Joel Chua, committee chairman, directed House Sergeant-at-Arms Napoleon Taas to implement the order.

“Having considered your report and recommendation hereto attached, the Committee on Good Governance and Public Accountability, in its special meeting held on November 22, 2024, called by its members, unanimously approved the transfer of detention of Atty. Zuleika T. Lopez from the House of Representatives to the Women’s Correctional Facility, Mandaluyong City,” the order read.

Lopez has been detained at the House facility since Wednesday night, November 20, after being cited for contempt due to her evasive answers during the probe into her boss’s alleged misuse of funds at the Office of the Vice President and the Department of Education, when Duterte was DepEd chief. (READ: Fake receipts? Here’s a summary of House probe into Sara Duterte’s funds)

Copy from the OVP media

At 12:32 am on Saturday, November 23, Duterte’s office called for a press briefing via Zoom, which was joined by Diehard Duterte Supporters (DDS) vloggers. A visibly emotional Lopez spoke to the media, recounting how the transfer order was served to her, but she refused to comply.

According to Lopez, nine people “barged” into her detention room, just as she was about to go to sleep. She was accompanied by a staff member at the time.

“Nobody can just come in here and demand. Transfer me in the middle of the night. I have my rights. I am not a victim of any crime,” she said.

Despite the order, Lopez said she would not leave the House detention facility, questioning its legality since her motion for reconsideration had not yet been ruled upon. She filed the MR on Thursday, November 21, seeking to lift the contempt order.

“I am not leaving my room. I am a detainee here at the House of Representatives. I am not an accused. I am not an accused. I’m not going to a jail facility. I have my rights. I am not moving. I am not leaving this room,” Lopez said.

It’s not unusual for a House committee to order the transfer of a female detainee to the Correctional Institution for Women in Mandaluyong City, as in the case of Cassandra Ong, the representative of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator Lucky South 99, who was cited in contempt by the House panel investigating illegal POGOs.

In the middle of the early Saturday press conference, Duterte took over. She said that she went straight to Lopez’s room after receiving a call from her, and that Lopez was in tears. She had been staying at the office of her brother, Davao City 1st District Representative Paolo “Pulong” Duterte, as her request to accompany Lopez in detention was not granted by Chua’s panel.

Lopez, however, left the House detention center early Saturday morning, as she was brought to the Veterans Memorial Medical Center after collapsing and vomiting. She was later transferred to St. Luke’s Medical Center in Quezon City. The Vice President accompanied her.

Citing reports from doctors, House Sergeant-at-Arms Napoleon Taas said Lopez is in good shape and in stable condition.

Earlier on Friday, Congressman Duterte informed Chua that he had given the Vice President “unconditional permission to stay indefinitely in my office to carry out her day-to-day duties.”

Duterte said in an earlier press conference via Zoom on Friday that she planned to remain in the House until the New Year or even until Congress adjourns in June, depending on whether OVP staff were still detained in the House.

Must Read

How long will Sara Duterte stay at the House?

– Rappler.com

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