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Nikita Hand’s partner was stabbed when masked men invaded home earlier this year, McGregor civil case judge heard

MEN with balaclavas invaded the home of the woman whom a jury in a civil case found was raped by Conor McGregor, a court heard.

The judge in the civil case heard the men had burst into her bedroom before smashing the windows of the property as they fled.

Masked men invaded Nikita Hand’s earlier this year and stabbed her partner
2024 PA Media, All Rights Reserved
Conor McGregor and partner Dee Devlin leaving the High Court after losing his civil case
2024 PA Media, All Rights Reserved

The incident also saw Nikita Hand’s partner suffer stab wounds earlier this year.

It was raised on the opening day of Ms Hand’s case against McGregor and his co-defendant James Lawrence, who she claimed she was sexually assaulted and raped by in December 2018.

Mr Lawrence was found not to have assaulted her.

The legal argument was not heard before a jury and can only be reported now the case has finished.

John Gordon, senior counsel for the plaintiff, said the incident occured on June 14 this year at Ms Hand’s home in Drimnagh, Dublin.

It was argued that it was relevant in terms of the claims for damages as she had to remove herself from her home.

Mr Gordon told Mr Justice Alexander Owens that men in balaclavas invaded her home on the date.

He said that they burst into her bedroom and the court heard that her partner suffered stab wounds.

A call was made to the gardai and the men fled, but smashed the front windows of the home.

Mr Gordon said: “We’re not laying that at the feet of the defendants.”

But he did allege it was not an “untargeted” attack and it arose from supporters of McGregor.

However he stressed he was not saying McGregor or Lawrence had anything to do with it.

Mr Justice Owens asked was it not “complete speculation”, to which Mr Gordon said that it was relevant due to the state of anxiety Ms Hand found herself in and had to move away from the area.

Mr Remi Farrell, for McGregor, said it seemed to him that the plaintiff had acknowledged the incident “which we know nothing about” was nothing to do with his client.


He told the court that it was an “extraordinary attempt” to smuggle the incident into the case.

He added that it was an “extraordinary unprecedented claim”.

Mr Justice Owens ruled that it was irrelevant to the case and should not be referred to, and therefore the evidence was not put before the jury.

A garda statement on the incident at the time confirmed the incident at the Drimnagh address at around 2.20am on Friday, June 14.


Sinn Fein Councillor Daithi Doolan, who lives in Drimnagh which neighbours McGregor’s native Crumlin, said the “overwhelming majority” of the community and the country stand by Ms Hand.

Ms Hand lived in Drimnagh earlier this year, but moved after her home was invaded in June.

He said she was “brave” and hoped the case outcome brought her some vindication and closure to a “very traumatic experience for her”.

Cllr Doolan told the Irish Sun: “We need to remember that behind all the hype and the headline is a woman who’s been traumatised and I hope that she’s able to move on with her life to some extent.

“I think the overwhelming majority of people in Drimnagh, I live in Drimnagh, I’m a resident, overwhelming majority of Drimnagh and indeed people right across Ireland, supporting her and are glad that she can hopefully now move on and deal with that trauma.

“Because I’m sure the fire going to the DPP and coming back and then her having to take a civil action is very deeply traumatic for herself and her loved ones and I hope they can now get peace.”


Ms Hand told the trial she felt “absolutely devastated and let down” when the DPP told her that no prosecution would be taken against McGregor.

She sought a review, but the DPP’s decision was upheld.

Its Director reviewed the file and said that the case was very complex and there was no reasonable prospect of conviction for either men.

But Doolan said: “Obviously the threshold is very different, both for the DPP and the civil case.

“I think if there’s an avenue open to the DPP, well then I would encourage them to go down that avenue. but I’m not a legal expert. I can only judge on the evidence presented to me.

“I know the evidence that the DPP is slightly different than a civil case but it doesn’t detract from the fact that she has got justice. She’s been vindicated and I hope she can move on with her life and deal with that trauma.”


The threshold in a criminal case is higher than a civil case.

In criminal matters, a jury must be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt while in a civil case, it is on the balance of probabilities.

Mum-of-one Nikita, 35, won her rape civil action against McGregor today and was awarded nearly €250,000 in damages.

Speaking after the case she sobbed as she revealed how her young daughter gave her the strength, as well as paying tribute to the Rape Crisis Centre, her partner Gary and her mum.


She said: “I would like to start off by saying I’m overwhelmed and touched by the support I have received from everybody.

“First, I want to thank the legal team and my three barristers, John Gordon, Ray Boland and Sean. They have been amazing from start to finish.

“I want to thank Mr Justice Alexander Owens, all the jury, all the witnesses.

“I want to thank the doctors, nurses and everyone at the Sexual Assault Unit in the Rotunda Hospital for looking after me, especially my own doctor Frank Clarke.

“I think if there’s an avenue open to the DPP, well then I would encourage them to go down that avenue. but I’m not a legal expert. I can only judge on the evidence presented to me.”

Cllr Daithi Doolan

“I want to thank the Rape Crisis Centre, especially Cliona, who has been by my side throughout this entire period. I want to thank all the guards and the ambulance crew.

“I want to thank all the women and men out there who have supported me throughout this, for every person who reached out to me, a card, a letter, email, everything – it hasn’t gone unnoticed. I really appreciate it so much.

“I want to thank my partner Gary, who has been so supportive over the last four years and who has held my hand throughout this, everyday and every other day.

“I want to thank my mam and all my family and friends.”


She added: “Lastly I want to thank my daughter Freya, who I’m most grateful for. She has given me so much strength and courage over the last six years throughout this nightmare, to keep on pushing forward for justice.

“I want to show Freya and every other girl and boy that you can stand up for yourself if something happens to you, no matter who the person is and justice will be served.”

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