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Why Every Golf Coach Needs to Build an Email List and How to Get Started with Email Marketing

In today’s digital world, building an email list isn’t just a marketing tactic – it’s an important asset for any golf coach looking to grow their business in person and online. Whether you’re just starting your coaching journey or are an experienced coach ready to grow, email marketing will be a vital part of the plan. In this article, we’ll dive into why building an email list is essential, how to start building yours, and how the combination of email and V1 can help you connect with clients on a deeper level and produce better results. 


Why Building an Email List is Essential for Golf Coaches


Your Email List is Your Own Asset

Unlike social media followers, an email list is yours to control. Social media algorithms change, platforms rise and fall in popularity, and followers are likely to be lost. Your email list, however, is a direct line to your audience. As a golf coach, having an owned channel ensures that your messages reach clients consistently, building your brand while creating a valuable, long-term asset.

Stronger Connection with Your Audience

Emails create a private, distraction-free way to connect with clients. You can build genuine relationships with an email list by sharing valuable insights, tips, and updates that help your clients improve their game. Personal communication like this helps you stand out and makes clients feel like they have a direct line to a trusted expert – you.

High ROI and Consistent Reach

Email marketing consistently provides one of the highest returns on investment in digital marketing. It’s a cost-effective way to reach clients directly, nurture their interest, and ultimately convert them into long-term clients. Unlike social media posts that clients may miss, emails land in the inbox, allowing you to reach your audience consistently and build trust over time.


How Golf Coaches Can Start Building Their Email List


Create a Valuable Lead Magnet

One of the most effective ways to start building your list is by offering a lead magnet – a free resource that clients receive in exchange for their email. Think about what would genuinely help your clients or prospects. For golf coaches, this could be a free guide on swing fundamentals, a checklist for improving putting, or even a video analysis session using V1’s app. With V1, you could record a quick, custom tip video that speaks directly to the client’s needs, showcasing your expertise.

Use Signup Forms/Landing Pages on Your Social Media

Make it easy for potential clients to sign up by placing a landing page or link to a form on your social media profiles. A landing page is not a website. A landing page is a standalone page with only one objective and action the prospect can take, put in their contact information in exchange for a free resource (lead magnet). On social media, add links to your bio and regularly promote your lead magnet, inviting followers to join your list in exchange for solving a specific problem for them. This makes signing up as frictionless as possible for clients eager to improve that specific area of their game.

Promote Your List During Client Interactions

During in-person lessons, clinics, virtual sessions, or even follow-up messages, you have a golden opportunity to encourage email signups. Offer your clients an exclusive follow-up or bonus content only available to subscribers. If you’re conducting video consultations with V1, consider mentioning how your email list will give them access to additional resources, exclusive offers, and insights – building excitement and making it easy for them to subscribe.


Email Marketing Basics for Golf Coaches


Crafting Engaging Emails

Start with a welcome email that introduces who you are and what clients can expect from your emails. This initial email sets the tone for your relationship and primes clients to look forward to future messages. Then, focus on offering value in each email. Ideas include sharing a quick tip, an upcoming event, a motivating story, or a seasonal reminder about staying consistent, etc. 

Frequency and Content Balance

The key to effective email marketing is consistency without overwhelming your subscribers. For most golf coaches, a weekly or 2x weekly email cadence works well, giving you enough space to create quality content. Find a balance between educational content, motivational insights, and occasional promotions or special offers. For example, one email might share a tip about swing posture, while another could invite clients to a free swing analysis, and once a month or every other month could be a direct call to action to your coaching program. .

Personalization and Segmentation

As your list grows, consider segmenting it into different groups based on skill level, goals, or interests. This allows you to send more relevant, tailored content to each segment, increasing engagement. If you track client progress using V1, you could even personalize emails based on recent lessons or performance improvements. Sending targeted content like this keeps clients engaged and shows you’re paying attention to their unique needs.


How to Combine V1 COACH with Your Email Marketing Efforts


Integrate Video Analysis in Emails

V1 COACH’s video analysis feature can be a powerful tool in your email marketing. Consider sending out clips of lessons, drills or sharing unique insights with subscribers. This could be a short “swing check” video or a tip on fixing common mistakes. Including video clips makes your emails more engaging, reinforces your expertise, and gives clients a tangible sense of what they can achieve by working with you.

Leverage V1 COACH Communication Tools

The V1 COACH app communication tools make it easy to stay in touch with clients directly. Use these tools as a bridge to promote your email list – after a video analysis session, encourage clients to join for more insights, and offer a sneak peek into exclusive content only for subscribers. Consistent communication through both V1 COACH and email strengthens client relationships, allowing you to deliver value beyond coaching sessions.



Building an email list isn’t an outdated business tactic from the early 2000s… in 2024 and 2025 it’s still one of the best ways to create lasting connections with clients, own a valuable asset, and grow your golf coaching coaching business. Starting an email list doesn’t need to be complicated. With a valuable lead magnet, consistent communication, and personalized emails, you’ll have a powerful tool to grow your business.


Have more questions about email marketing as a golf coach?
Add your contact information here and we’ll be in touch. 

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Dan is a dedicated business consultant/coach who specializes in helping golf instructors break free from the grind of endless in-person lessons. Through his innovative Hybrid Client Flywheel system, he has empowered countless golf coaches to transition into profitable online coaching businesses, blending the best of live instruction with scalable digital offerings.

With years of experience in both brick & mortar business and the online coaching space, Dan understands the unique challenges golf professionals face in building a business that offers both financial freedom and work-life balance. His mission is to equip coaches with the tools, strategies, and systems to consistently earn $10-$50k+ per month while working fewer hours and reaching golfers across the globe.

When he’s not coaching or creating programs for golf coaches to succeed online, Dan enjoys honing his golf game, traveling with his family, and being a present husband and father of 2. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Dan’s proven methods can help you scale your business, serve more clients, and reclaim your time. Connect with Dan on LinkedIn or Instagram.

The post Why Every Golf Coach Needs to Build an Email List and How to Get Started with Email Marketing appeared first on V1 Sports.

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