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Where to watch The Day of the Jackal for free: Stream new series anywhere

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Eddie Redmayne in "The Day of the Jackal."

Over 50 years after the release of The Day of the Jackal novel, the story is getting the modern-day TV treatment. We'll show you where to watch The Day of the Jackal, including a breakdown of the show's anticipated release schedule and a free streaming option.

The Day of the Jackal, which was also made into a film in 1973, follows an international assassin known as the Jackal and the British intelligence agent attempting to take him down. Eddie Redmayne stars as the elusive assassin, and Lashana Lynch plays Bianca, the MI6 agent hot on his heels. The series takes on a classic cat-and-mouse, spy vs. assassin formula with shades of Killing Eve and The Fall.

Below, we've compiled everything you need to know about the series, including when you can expect to see new episodes. The viewing options are a bit tricky, with the first five episodes dropping as a binge and the rest released weekly, and a delay between the US and UK, but we'll clear up everything you need to know about tuning in.

Where to watch The Day of the Jackal in the US

The Day of the Jackal streams on Peacock in the US. Subscriptions start at $8/month for the ad-supported tier, but an ad-free upgrade is available for $14/month. Annual versions of the plans are available for $80 or $140 a year. The first five episodes dropped on Peacock on November 14 and episodes will be released weekly on Thursdays until the two-episode season finale on December 12.

Where to watch The Day of the Jackal in the UK

The Day of the Jackal is available on Sky Atlantic in the UK. Viewers can also stream the series through Now TV. Sky prices vary depending on the contract you sign up for, but Now prices start at £7/month for a six-month contract or £10/month for a flexible month-to-month subscription. The first five episodes dropped on November 7. New episodes will become available each week until the December 12 finale.

Where to watch The Day of the Jackal in New Zealand

The Day of the Jackal is available on TVNZ in New Zealand. This is a free streaming option; viewers just need to create an account to get started. Like the US and UK, the first five episodes dropped at once. New episodes are made available weekly on Fridays. If you're not currently in New Zealand, check out our tips for watching the show from anywhere next.

How to watch The Day of the Jackal from anywhere

Viewers who are away from their usual streaming options (or want to watch the free stream from New Zealand) can still access them with the help of a VPN, like ExpressVPN. Short for virtual private networks, VPNs are easy ways to change your virtual location so that you can use your go-to websites from anywhere. They're popular ways for people to boost online security and keep up with their usual apps while traveling. You can read all about ExpressVPN in our review, but we recommend the service for a couple of reasons, including its user-friendliness and hassle-free 30-day money-back guarantee.

The Day of the Jackal trailer

Peacock and Sky released a trailer for the series in October. The video gave a first-look of some of the action, thrills, and drama that define the series. In it, viewers see the assassination that sets Lynch's character on the hunt for Redmayne's. Check out the full video below.

Note: The use of VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

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