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The sleep science of F1 — how drivers deal with constant jet lag

Formula 1 drivers fight jet lag throughout the season.
  • Exposure to light is key in adjusting drivers' body clocks to new time zones.
  • The Las Vegas Grand Prix is "the nastiest one of the season," one performance coach said.
  • This article is part of "Behind the Wheel," a series about the highly competitive and high-tech world of Formula 1.

In Formula 1, sleep is a precious commodity.

The global series' 24-race calendar spans 21 countries across five continents. Teams travel from China to Miami to Italy over the course of just a few weeks — making jet lag a constant problem throughout the season. It's such a concern that many teams employ doctors and coaches dedicated to helping drivers adjust quickly to different time zones.

"In the case of Formula 1 drivers, sleep is right up there as one of the main things we can control to put them in the best place possible to perform," Tom Clark, a senior performance coach with the Alpine F1 Team, said. "It's a thing we prioritize very highly. Being exposed to jet lag, we can manipulate it so we're ahead of the curve."

Even now, as the 2024 season heads into the home stretch, Clark is preparing for next year, looking up available flights for the team and mapping out calendars to see how early his drivers can make it out to a race based on other team responsibilities.

"Drivers have a great many commitments, so we can't always prioritize sleep and jet lag above all else," he said. "But we start planning right away so we have the best options available to negate jet lag and put the athletes in the best position."

Monitoring light and 'zeitgeber'

When it comes to fighting jet lag, Clark said, there's one main factor to consider: exposure to light.

"Light from the sun and light from electronic devices, and the absence of light — if we can manipulate those things in accordance to where we're trying to travel, we'll be able to shift the body clock closer to that given time zone," he said.

As an example, Clark points to Esteban Ocon, the Alpine driver with whom he works most closely. In preparation for heading to Las Vegas this week — about a nine-hour time shift from Ocon's home in Switzerland — Clark began shifting the driver's bedtime and wake-up time later and later last week.

"We also look at his timing to light exposure, which we try to replicate to the time zone he's traveling to," Clark said. "From a basic first principle, that's what we do fundamentally to thrive in the new environment."

Tom Clark works closely with the Alpine driver Esteban Ocon to optimize his performance on the track.

Additionally, Clark closely monitors Ocon's "zeitgeber" — a German word for external circadian time cues that contribute to the body's clock. This includes physical activity and fitness, socializing, and eating.

"All of those have an influence on moving the body clock closer" to the new time zone, Clark said, adding: "But it's light that is the most influential, so that's what we prioritize the greatest."

'Las Vegas is the nastiest one of the season'

Plane travel is another factor. When traveling west, Clark wants his drivers to take daytime flights so that they stay awake. When flying east, he encourages them to sleep on flights — particularly when the series heads to Australia, which entails about a 24-hour door-to-door travel period.

With Formula 1 heading to Las Vegas this weekend to kick off the final triple-header of the season, Clark said the battle against jet lag would be particularly important.

"Las Vegas is the nastiest one of the season," he said, adding that because the race happens so late — the Grand Prix begins about 10 p.m. local time — drivers have to modify their sleep schedules so that they essentially become nocturnal, sleeping during most of the day.

Lewis Hamilton taking his F1 car for a spin in Las Vegas.

"If you're like Esteban and you get a huge amount of sleep, he effectively will sleep the entire daylight hours of Las Vegas — which actually might be quite a normal thing for most Vegas visitors and tourists," Clark said with a laugh. "It's a bit of a weird way to live, but it's a necessity to cash in on the sleep opportunities that we have. We use other means to help with what we lose from not seeing the sun, like vitamin D supplements. We'll have to contend with that during the week."

Once the Las Vegas Grand Prix ends, the series immediately shifts to Qatar, meaning every team member once again has to rapidly adjust their body clocks.

"Effectively, you're doing a full circulation of the globe in time zones in the space of just a couple of weeks," Clark said. Last year, when Las Vegas was also part of a triple-header, many people discovered they could "continually be in a state of sleep deprivation and poor quality of sleep if you don't prioritize it," he added.

Clark began working with Alpine in 2018 in a performance role and said he viewed battling jet lag as an "elephant in the room" when it came to race prep. "We were doing everything we could from a training, nutrition, and recovery standpoint, but when it came to sleep, there wasn't much in place," he said. "That's where my appetite came from to pursue and understand jet lag more."

Most Formula 1 teams, he said, now task their performance coaches and doctors with monitoring drivers' sleep patterns and adjusting them to new time zones.

Outside Formula 1, Clark is pursuing doctoral work on jet lag — a topic that, he said, is not studied extensively in academic literature.

"Jet lag itself is a hard thing to research and understand just by the nature of it," he said. "You can study it in a lab environment, but you can't replicate getting on a plane, the large amount of time in the air, all the stresses you go through at the airport, and arriving in a widely different culture and environment."

That makes Formula 1 an ideal industry in which to conduct this research, with the sport featuring perhaps the most condensed global travel of any other sport series.

"I've been working within the Formula 1 population and yes, it's not the easiest thing to fit in around my day job," Clark said, laughing. "But it's fascinating, and I'm enjoying it very much."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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