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The Best Black Friday Deals on KitchenAid Stand Mixers

When it comes to kitchen appliances, my KitchenAid stand mixer is the one I use most during the holiday season. I’ve had mine for about 13 years now and it still whips, stirs, and kneads like barely a day has passed. They're an understandably tempting splurge for many home cooks, but that price tag makes it tough to pull the trigger. Well, Black Friday season is here to lay your worries to rest. (I guess it’s a season now.)

When shopping for a stand mixer, the biggest details you want to take into consideration are size and price. (Read here for helpful tips on shopping for stand mixers.) KitchenAid stand mixers come in four major size groupings: 4-quart, 5-quart, 6-quart, and 7-quart. (There are some half-quart sizes mixed in those groupings too.) Choosing your machine really depends on how big a batch size you’ll likely be mixing, paired with counter space—these are dense little anvils, so you don’t want to have to move it much. Like I mentioned before, KitchenAid stand mixers can last 10 or 20 years, so while the prices are lower, I recommend buying the largest size you and your kitchen can afford.

These three major KitchenAid stand mixers are on sale right now at deep discounts.

KitchenAid Classic Series 4.5-quart stand mixer

The 4.5-quart Classic Series stand mixer from KitchenAid sports a tilt-head design, as opposed to the larger models that have the bowl-lift design. This gives the mixer a slimmer overall footprint. It has 10 speeds, and is a step-up in size from the Artisan Mini series. Right now it’s on sale for $249.99. That’s 24% off of the retail price of $329.99, making it one of the best value KitchenAid mixers under $300 at the moment.

This mixer is an excellent choice for smaller kitchens and folks who see themselves making recipe batch sizes for the average household. I would not recommend this size and power if you’re starting your own dog biscuit company or wedding cake studio.

KitchenAid 5.5-quart stand mixer with bowl-lift

The 5-quart size group has both tilt-heads and bowl-lift models. I’ve chosen this 5.5-quart KitchenAid specifically because it is the bowl-lift variety. Personally, as a professional baker, I prefer this type. I think it’s easier to load the attachments and pour in ingredients while you’re working. Plus, I’ve seen a number of mixers reach the end of their days and the tilt-heads start to buck when they can’t handle heavy mixtures, leading to their premature demise. 

The KitchenAid 5.5-quart stand mixer with bowl lift is on sale right now for $279.99 (normally $449.99), making it only $30 more expensive than the model above. If you can afford this bigger size option with the bowl-lift, it’s the right choice.

KitchenAid 7-quart stand mixer with bowl-lift

The KitchenAid 7-quart series is part of its Pro Line and it’s KitchenAid's largest and most powerful mixer for home kitchens. This powerful mixer has its largest capacity bowl, which the website boasts can mix a 14-dozen cookie batch in one go.

Right now this 7-quart KitchenAid model has the best discount from the KitchenAid website (in every color) for $419.99, 35% off its retail price of $649.99. Plus, this deal on the KitchenAid site includes more than the classic beater, whip, and dough hook attachment. It throws in the pour shield, flex-edge scraper, scraper attachment, and a pastry beater. This is a rare sale indeed.

This is exactly the stand mixer you want if you’re starting a home business—but also if you just really enjoy mixing big batches of whatever the heck you want, when you want to. Do you send cookies to friends and family every Christmas? Like to shred four pounds of pork butt for the PTA potluck? Why not task this mixer with the mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving dinner of 25 guests? This mixer will be at your service, come what may. 

The Best Black Friday Deals Right Now
Deals are selected by our commerce team

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