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‘If it doesn’t pass this first test automatically, I’m outta there’: Man shows how he spots lemons when inspecting used cars. Then he does it to a Mercedes

Usually, you wouldn't want your check engine light to pop up on your dashboard, as that typically means something's wrong with your car. However, there is one instance where you want to see that light, according to this TikToker.

Timothy K. (@adventures_with_timothyk) has a tip for used car buyers. And he has a good point. He shared the advice with his viewers in a video posted to his TikTok account on Wednesday. So far, it has racked up over 92,400 views and counting.

In it, Timothy clues viewers in how to test and make sure you aren't getting blindsided by a seller.

The 'first thing to look for'

"I'm here to show you the first thing I look for when I look at a used vehicle," Timothy tells his viewers. "And if it doesn't pass this test, automatically I'm outta there. It's time to go."

Timothy sits in the driver's seat of a Mercedes. Keys in hand, he shows how to see if the vehicle's check engine light doesn't light up.

He begins by inserting the keys in the ignition.

How to test your check engine light

However, Timothy states that the vehicle should not be turned on.

Instead, he advises turning "the key to the on position" by turning the keys clockwise without engaging the starter.

"Now watch," he says. "See all the lights there?" he asks as the Mercedes' warning lights all engage.

"Every light should come on for the vehicle," he warns.

"Specifically this one here," he notes, indicating the check engine light.

"A lot of times people, I don't know, pull the bulb out, pull the fuse—anything like that," he claims. "But if that light doesn't come on... " he seemingly warns before the video ends.

The implication seems to be that any buyer should be wary if the light does not engage.

@adventures_with_timothyk Check that engine light #cars #fyp ♬ original sound - Adventures with Timothy K

Can a seller tamper with the light?

The Consumer Law PA website notes, "Check engine lights are programmed to come on when the car’s computer detects what is referred to as a Diagnostic Trouble Code. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell what whether the car has a major problem, or something minor, such as a loose gas cap."

It is therefore in the consumers' best interest to inspect whether the light is working.

The site also notes, "While many dealers take appropriate steps to repair engine problems uncovered during the inspection, it is sadly, not uncommon for dealers to instead, tamper with the car’s check engine light by resetting it, so that it doesn’t come on until after the purchase has been completed."

It claims that tampering with the check engine light can be accomplished by simply placing black tape between the display and the bulb. The bulb can even be removed in some cases.

"There have even been instances when dealers rewire the vehicle so that the light will briefly come on when the car starts, as it is supposed to do, but will not come on when there is actually a diagnostic code detected," the Consumer Law PA website says.

The Daily Dot reached out to Mercedes via email for a statement.

What if a check engine light is tampered with?

Richard, a consumer protection lawyer on justanswer.com, offered this advice:

"The first step is often to contact the dealership directly to discuss the issue and seek a resolution. They may offer to repair the vehicle, take it back, or offer some form of compensation."

He adds, "If the dealership is uncooperative, you might consider taking legal action."

Viewers react

Some viewers used the comments to complain about their own Check Engine Light experiences.

Splash (@rikki1015) wrote, "My engine light won’t go off! Been on since 6 mos after I bought the used car. No deal/mechanic knows what the problem is! Says 'turbine boost', but they say it can’t be. Ugh - afraid I won’t get my tags."

"I have a 2011 F-150 when it gets down to quarter tank of gas the engine light comes on put gas in it goes out," another viewer wrote.

Another added, "I had 2- filters changed light still on had them changed at dealers. Been on 2- yrs I thought if they can’t get the light off never went back."

The Daily Dot reached out to Timothy via TikTok comment and messenger for a statement.

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The post ‘If it doesn’t pass this first test automatically, I’m outta there’: Man shows how he spots lemons when inspecting used cars. Then he does it to a Mercedes appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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