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A bodybuilder says this 5-minute weighted warm-up sets him up for for better gains in the gym

Andre Adams, a bodybuilder, and National Academy of Sports Medicine master trainer said even a quick warm-up helps him perform better in his workouts.
  • A bodybuilder said he stopped skipping warm-ups, and it's led to better results in the gym.
  • A 5-minute warm-up can help improve muscle activation and reduce injury risk.
  • Adding weights to a warm-up can lead to better performance, research suggests.

A bodybuilder said a four-part warm-up with some weightlifting helps him get the most out of his workouts to build muscle and strength.

Andre Adams, a National Academy of Sports Medicine Master trainer, competes in the International Federation of Bodybuilding pro league.

Adams said taking even a few minutes to warm-up and working in a few sets of moderate weight can translate to better movement.

This can be especially important for anyone hitting the gym after working at a desk job, since sitting all day can create tension and muscle imbalances.

"Skipping a warm-up is way more common that you think. I've been guilty of it too, everyone's on a time crunch," he told Business Insider said. "It doesn't have to be lengthy, it can be five minutes, it's just performing the right movements for the workout."

A quick four-part warm-up includes foam rolling and body weight exercise

Adams said typically spends about five minutes warming up with muscle activations, followed by five minutes of light cardio.

Jumping right into a workout can increase risk of injury, which may not happen right away but can build up over time, causing persistent aches and pains.

A warm-up is also important to prepare the muscles and joints to work effectively so you can maintain the highest quality movement possible.

"When I was younger and my body was much more resilient I would often times skip warm-ups all together and get away with it. However, over time as I aged this lead to pain, muscle imbalances, unproductive workouts and ultimately injuries and setbacks," he said.

Andre Adams competes in the International Federation of Bodybuilding pro league.

Now he warms up by following four steps recommended by the NASM:

Inhibit — the first step is to reduce tension and calm down overactive or tight muscles, usually by foam rolling.

Lengthen — next is some stretching, which can be static (holding a stretch) or dynamic, with movement. For a typical leg day, Adams said he might do some standing hip circles.

Activate — priming the right muscle groups, often with bodyweight exercise. To target the glutes for leg day, for instance, Adams does glute bridge marches.

Integrate — putting it all together with compound exercises similar to what you'll be doing in the workout. This can include bodyweight movements like squats. It can (and should) also include exercise with weights, but at a slightly lower intensity than your working sets.

Adding weights to a warm-up can boost performance

A small recent study found athletes who lifted heavier for a warm-up — at 80% of their 10-rep max — were able to lift more during their workout and perform better.

"Making the right decisions during the warm-up can significantly enhance training performance," study author Igor Nasser, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, told Business Insider. "In our study, it was clear that the strategy of applying greater intensity during the warm-up sets leads to better outcomes than using lighter loads, which is more commonly practiced."

It confirms what bodybuilders already know — that not going heavy enough on the warm-up can leave gains on the table, according to Adams.

"You haven't activated as much muscle fiber as you could have," he said.

That doesn't mean going all-out. Adams said for a working weight of 200 pounds, a warm-up might involve one set at 100 pounds, following by a set at 150 pounds before the main event.

Taking the time for all parts of the process only adds a few minutes to a workout, and can boost performance, improve range of motion, and prevent injury.

"It's not just making the muscle fibers activate, it's making the body work as a system, and that's why we have to do those four steps," Adams said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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