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Baffled iPhone owners say new iOS update kills battery life – there are three reasons to download it right now anyway

APPLE has issued a surprise update to millions of iPhones – but some owners are saying it’s killing battery life.

Importantly, even if you’re worried about battery life, you should still download it anyway.

The Sun / Apple
A new software update appears to be draining battery life – but don’t worry, that’s totally normal[/caption]

Earlier this week, Apple rolled out the new iOS 18.1.1 update.

Apple revealed that it was an “important” security update that fixed two dangerous bugs.

These bugs potentially allowed crooks to compromise your iPhone from afar – and may have been exploited.

Now users have taken to Reddit to complain about the update’s effect on battery life.

One said: “So far the draining is not fixed for me.”

Another said: “The battery on my Pro Max is awful.”

One added that “my battery drain made it worse than before”, while another said: “I just need the battery drain fixed. It’s awful right now.”

That might sound like scary stuff, but it’s not unexpected.


Firstly, this is an important update, so even if you’re concerned about iPhone battery life, it’s too dangerous to ignore.

Security updates are one of the best defences against being hacked.

Apple closes these security holes so that cybercriminals can’t take advantage of them.

So if you don’t update to fix these known bugs, you’re far likelier to become a target of crooks.

Secondly, it’s perfectly normal for your iPhone to have worse battery life in the days after an iOS update.

That’s because your iPhone takes some time to adjust with the new software (like reindexing data on your handset).

Try using Low Power Mode if you’re really struggling with battery life[/caption]

Usually battery life returns to normal after a few days.

Thirdly, you’ll often find that apps release updates in the days following iOS upgrades.

These app upgrades happening in the background can also drain battery life.

Both of those strains on battery life are inevitable, so it’s worth just taking the plunge and updating – otherwise your security is at risk.


Here's the truth – and it's not just a problem for iPhones either...

  • Most gadgets run on lithium-ion batteries
  • Over time, the amount of charge this type of battery can hold gets smaller
  • That means you need to charge your device more often because they hold less charge
  • Batteries have two electrode points – the cathode and the anode
  • To charge a battery, the ions inside the battery are forced from the cathode to the anode
  • When you use a battery, it moves in the reverse direction
  • This process wears away at the structure of the anode, reducing its ability to function correctly
  • But the process also builds up a kind of salt on the cathode when charging
  • As this build-up grows, the battery will accept less charge over time
  • It’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 full charge-cycles will reduce a battery’s maximum capacity by roughly 20%

Picture Credit: Apple


One way to help yourself is to try to reduce battery life drain yourself.

For instance, Apple recommends not constantly quitting your apps – contrary to popular belief.

“When your recently used apps appear, the apps aren’t open, but they’re in standby mode to help you navigate and multitask,” Apple said.

Having to fully restart apps that you’ve swiped closed can actually be worse for battery life.

You should also avoid letting your iPhone get too hot.

This can have a permanent impact on battery life – so keep it out of direct sunlight.

One great tip is to head into your iPhone’s battery settings.

From there, you’ll be able to see a list of apps draining your battery life – including how much juice is being used in the background.

Why does heat damage batteries?

Here's what you need to know...

  • Hot temperatures can cause permanent damage to batteries
  • That’s because batteries contain fluids, and work through chemical reactions
  • When heat is applied to a battery, the fluid inside starts to evaporate
  • This damages the internal structure of the battery
  • Components like the voltage indicator can be affected by heat
  • This can allow batteries to charge at too high a rate, which can lead to a loss of electrolytes
  • This can reduce battery life over time
  • As batteries heat up, chemical reactions inside will also occur faster
  • Excessive chemical reactions can reduce long-term battery life

If you think some apps are using way too much battery life, considering deleting them.

Or at the very least, limit their background activity so they’re not constantly using up your charge.

If you’re very worried about battery life, you can also activate Low Power Mode.

You’ll find this in the Battery section of your Settings app – or you can add it to the Control Centre.

It’s also possible to turn it on using Siri.

Low Power Mode limits the performance of your iPhone, boosting its battery life.

And it’ll automatically turn off once your iPhone hits 80% charge.

You’ll know that Low Power Mode is active because the battery icon on your iPhone’s status bar will turn yellow.

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