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Sienna Miller’s favourite skincare laser just got a £700 price cut in early Black Friday deal

THERE’S officially a week to go until Black Friday, but there’s an early bird deal skincare lovers don’t want to miss out on…

Luxury beauty brand LYMA has kicked off its Black Friday sale and beauty shoppers can save over £700 off its bestselling anti-ageing skincare laser loved by celebrities.

Sienna Miller is a fan[/caption]

Shop LYMA Black Friday sale

Fans of LYMA include actress Sienna Miller and model and entrepreneur Hailey Bieber.

Sienna Miller has shared publicly that “the LYMA laser is an essential part of my routine, helping to regenerate my skin after long days on set.”

So what makes this device so good?

The clinic-grade laser is effective across the face, neck, and body, as this celebrity-loved device targets wrinkles, sagging, pigmentation, redness and scars.

Best LYMA Black Friday deals now live?

These are some of our top picks in the best Black Friday sale that are available to shop right now at LYMA:

LYMA Laser Starter Kit


LYMA Laser Starter Kit, £1,599.20 (was £1,999)

The LYMA Laser starter kit contains everything you’ll need to rejuvenate your skin.

The advanced device is designed to instruct your skin to act younger, now it’s super simple to achieve transformational results for your face, neck and body in as little as three minutes daily.

Shoppers have noticed visible changes in 30 days with the portable, powerful and painless device.

LYMA Power System


LYMA Power System, £1,790.85 (was £2,558.35)

The LYMA Power System is the ultimate longevity solution for your skin, body and well-being.

Combining the groundbreaking LYMA Laser with highly active skincare and world-renowned supplements.

This 360° transformational system works from the inside out, delivering unparalleled results for skin, health and vitality.

LYMA Laser PRO 3M Power System


LYMA Laser PRO 3M Power System, £5,064 (was £6,330)

The LYMA Laser PRO 3M Power System is designed to transform skin from face to body faster.

The set features the groundbreaking LYMA Laser PRO, 3 months of active LYMA Skincare and the world-famous LYMA Supplement for a total transformation.

Get ready to start your three-minute daily journey to radiant skin and wellness today.

LYMA Skin System


LYMA Skin System, £1,658.30 (was £2,369)

If you’re looking for an easier skincare routine, the LYMA Skin System is your complete solution for radiant, youthful skin.

The kit combines the revolutionary LYMA Laser, active LYMA Skincare, and world-renowned LYMA Supplement. This system works from the inside out to transform your skin.

With just three minutes of daily use, you can experience unmatched hydration, firmness and a youthful glow.

LYMA Supplement Limited Edition

LYMA Supplement Limited Edition, £159.20 (was £199)

The LYMA Supplement Limited Edition combines 10 proven, high-grade ingredients in a powerful, bioavailable formula with advanced systems.

Designed to enhance sleep, reduce anxiety, improve focus, boost immunity and elevate beauty, it offers huge results from the outside in.

Feel your best with this cutting-edge supplement that redefines wellness and well-being.

When does the LYMA Black Friday sale end?

Elevate your skincare routine with LYMA for Black Friday[/caption]

Shop LYMA Black Friday sale

The LYMA Black Friday sale has kicked off a little bit earlier than expected, because Black Friday doesn’t officially begin until November 29.

As things have started early, we expect discounts to last through to Cyber Monday on 2 December.

Most offers will run for as long as there is stock or until that date.

Skincare fans are advised to check whether more new deals are added to the sale throughout the month and over the Cyber weekend period.

What is LYMA Laser good for?

The LYMA Black Friday sale is on now[/caption]

Shop LYMA Black Friday sale

The LYMA Laser is a powerful, portable and painless device designed for transformative at-home skincare.

With the ability to tackle multiple skin concerns with powerful, clinic-grade results from home, the LYMA laser is definitely a premium addition to your routine.

It improves skin elasticity and firmness, helping to lift and tighten areas on the face, neck and body.

The laser is most known for reducing fine lines, wrinkles and sagging, but buyers have also praised its efficacy in treating pigmentation, redness, scars and breakouts.

The clinical grade laser has anti-ageing benefits[/caption]

By stimulating the skin’s deep layers, the LYMA Laser enhances its structure, encouraging a youthful visage.

It’s also painless, unless a lot of pricey options out there and is safe for all skin types.

This makes it an advanced solution for those looking to rejuvenate and improve their skin’s overall texture and tone.

Why is LYMA so expensive?

Good things don’t always come cheap and the LYMA Laser commands such a high price due to its advanced, clinic-grade technology and great results.

It uses a unique cold laser system, which typically is only available in professional settings.

This system penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating cell repair and collagen production without causing heat damage.

This powerful technology allows it to target a range of concerns like wrinkles, sagging, scars and even pigmentation.

Additionally, the LYMA Laser has been meticulously engineered for safety and effectiveness, which is also suitable for all skin types.

The investment reflects its high-quality components, cutting-edge design, and celebrity-trusted, professional-level outcomes.

Does LYMA Laser work for sagging skin?

Yes, it does. LYMA is highly effective for treating sagging skin and has been praised for its results.

Featuring advanced cold laser technology which penetrates deep into the skin layers and stimulates collagen production, this hardworking gadget is essential for firmness and elasticity.

By helping to strengthen the skin’s underlying structure, it helps to lift and tighten the areas of your skin that are most prone to sagging, such as the face, neck and jawline.

Unlike traditional hot lasers, the LYMA Laser is gentle and painless, making it a safe option for consistent at-home use across all skin types.

What celebrities use Lyma?

The LYMA Laser has gained a cult following among top celebrities and skincare professionals alike, who swear by its transformative results.

Notable fans of the brand include Hailey Bieber, known for her glowing skin and simple routines, as well as singer and actress Sabrina Carpenter – both of whom use the device to maintain a youthful, radiant complexion.

Supermodel Kate Moss and Victoria’s Secret model Bella Hadid have also been linked to LYMA, appreciating its ability to reduce wrinkles, tighten skin and improve texture.

The device is popular among A-listers for its clinic-grade results that can be achieved at home, so it’s no surprise we’ve seen the lasers all over social media ahead of big awards evenings and red carpets.

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