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Five easy ways to winter-proof your home from mould and condensation as cold weather hits without spending a penny

DAMP and mould are a stubborn nuisance as the temperature drops – but with the right steps, you can winter-proof your home for free.

As areas across the UK face a sudden cold snap this week, many will begin to notice the toll of bad weather on their ceilings, walls and windowsills.

6 in 10 homes experience damp issues, according to experts at Hiatt Hardware[/caption]

Frostier weather outside causes more condensation to build on windows, creating greater humidity in our homes.

This also happens in colder periods as we spend more time inside cooking, washing, using the tumble dryer and showering.

High humidity in your home causes surfaces to become damp and allows mould spores to fester.

Mould isn’t just an eye sore – it can be bad for your respiratory health, trigger allergic reactions, and can be expensive to fix.

The average cost for a professional to remove mould for your home is currently around £30 an hour, according to Checkatrade.

As temperatures drop to the lowest we’ve seen them yet this year, it’s important to winter-proof your home and avoid having to dish out the cash later.

Luckily, we spoke to the experts at Hiatt Hardware, who put together five things you can do to prevent mould and condensation for little-to-no cost.

Most of the tips are free, but some require spending a little cash.

However, whatever you spend based on this advice could save you lots of money in the long-run.

1. Increase ventilation and control humidity

While it can be important to shut windows and make sure warm air doesn’t escape your home, regular ventilation is also important.

The experts at Hiatt Hardware said: “Briefly opening windows or using extractor fans in high-humidity areas like the bathroom or kitchen can help prevent mould from growing.”

Make sure you don’t do this at peak times when you’re heating home however, as this wastes energy, and might lead you to crank up the thermostat even more.

By briefly cracking a window open after you’ve had a shower in the mornings, or cooked your dinner, you can stop humidity building in the rooms of your house.

The expert also advised households not to dry clothes indoors, as this releases moisture in the air and can cause greater damp build-up.

If the weather makes this impossible, you should make sure you choose the warmest and smallest room in your house, with the window slightly ajar.

This will help prevent condensation while also drying your clothes quicker than what would be possible a larger room.

Other natural ways to natural dehumidify your space include DIY tricks such as placing salt on window sills.

It only costs 65p – but you probably already have it in your kitchen.

Prevent condensation build-up

When it comes to condensation, cold surfaces like windows, exterior walls and ceilings are the spots to keep an eye on.

The experts at Hiatt Hardware advised: “Thermal curtains and draught stoppers can help to insulate and reduce moisture build-up in these areas.”

But if you don’t want to splash out on these gadgets, there are plenty of ways to achieve the same effect for free.

For example, thermal curtains are as much as £50 in John Lewis, but hanging up an old blanket can do the same thing.

By attaching it to your curtain rail, you can double-up on top of your curtains, adding an extra layer of insulation.

If the rail can take it, you could even create a triple-layer using two blankets.

This will reduce condensation and provide insulation overnight – but remember to also take them down and let sunlight in when morning comes.

This will help evaporate some of the damp and naturally warm up your home.

If you’re opting for thermal curtains, make sure to compare prices using the sort by tool when browsing websites.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a draught-excluder but don’t want to spend money, there are plenty of DIY tutorials online.

All you have to do is stuff some fabric and stitch it together.

You could also fill your fireplace with newspaper if you have one to prevent draughts.

Or, you could move rugs and furniture over gaps in floorboards to help trap heat in.

Use natural remedies to remove mould

If mould has already sprung on the surfaces in your home, there are a few natural remedies you can use to get rid of it.

Hiatt Hardware recommended Borax as a useful tool which won’t damage the walls of your home.

The anti-fungal properties of the household agent make it an excellent natural cleaner – you just mix with water and apply as a solution.

Then, you wipe it up and allow it to dry.

If you don’t have Borax to hand, it costs just £5.63 on Amazon.

A good substitute more likely to be in your cupboards is Bicarbonate of Soda.

Or, you can use mild white vinegar.

The expert said: “Simply spray the vinegar solution onto the affected areas and wipe the surface with warm water after an hour, making sure to dry the surface thoroughly afterwards.

“Having a pre-mixed bottle of vinegar or borax solution in a spray bottle ensures that you always have a handy mould remedy nearby!”

Check for and fix leaks

A build up of moisture and mould can sometimes come down to hidden problems with your roof, windows or pipes.

Leaks can worsen when temperatures drop, so its important to check these areas regularly, especially after heavy rain or snowfall.

To fix the problem, you should seal gaps promptly.

This usually requires professional spray foam or caulk – but you could ask a neighbour if they’ll lend you their bottle.

A bottle of this is also much cheaper than damage repairs could be down the line, if you leave things too late.

Cover mould stains with temporary solutions

Even if you succeed in removing the mould in your home, you could still be left with some permanent stains.

Hiatt Hardware recommends a grout pen for the problem, which is handy tool great at hiding imperfections (and popular with landlords).

You’ll have to spend a little bit of money, but they’re very cheap to buy on Amazon and in Dunelm for less than £5.

In comparison, a new paint job professionally done could be upwards of £150.

Common Bathroom Habits That Increase Mould

Plumbworld, a leading expert in bathroom and kitchen products, has shared the daily habits that increase the chance of mould growing in homes.

Leaving wet towels and bathmats on floor 

Wet towels and bathmats on the floors after a shower or bath can increase humidity levels which provides a perfect breeding ground for mould spores.

To prevent this, hang towels and bathmats in an area where they can dry quickly and to wash them regularly.

Not turning on the fan 

An exhaust fan is critical in reducing moisture levels in the bathroom. 

When taking a hot shower or bath, steam increases the room’s humidity level, creating an ideal setting for mould to flourish on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.

An exhaust fan helps by moving the moist air outside, significantly reducing the risk of mould growth. 

Experts suggest running the fan during the shower and for at least 20-30 minutes afterwards to lower humidity levels.

Ignoring small leaks

Even minor leaks from the sink, toilet, or shower can contribute to increased moisture levels in a bathroom, fostering an environment where mould can thrive. 

Over time, these leaks can cause significant water damage, promoting mould growth in less visible areas such as inside walls or under flooring. 

Fix leaks promptly to prevent mould and potential structural damage.

Keeping shower curtains or doors closed 

Keeping the shower area closed after use traps moisture inside, delaying the drying process and creating a humid environment conducive to mould growth. 

Mould can easily develop on shower curtains, doors, and in tile grout if they remain wet for too long. 

To avoid this, leave the shower door or curtain open after use to improve air circulation and allow the area to dry more quickly.

Storing too many products 

Shower caddies and corners filled with bottles and accessories may seem harmless, but they can obstruct airflow and trap moisture and creates hidden, moist niches where mould can grow unnoticed. 

Keep shampoo and shower gel bottles to a minimum, and regularly clean and dry the areas underneath them to prevent mould growing. 

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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