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True Religion CMO Kristen D’Arcy shares her career journey and best advice

True Religion is having a big comeback moment in the retail scene, driven in part by the work of its chief marketing officer Kristen D’Arcy.

Here, D’Arcy shares her career journey, including stints at major apparel and beauty companies, from Coty to Pac Sun, the key lesson that retailers need to keep in mind to authentically connect with the consumer, and her advice to those just starting out in the industry. 

Inside Retail: How did you fall into your current role as CMO of True Religion?

Kristen D’Arcy: Fifteen years ago, I started my career on the agency side and after a year I moved over to the brand side. 

First with Ralph Lauren, and then I was with a number of other fashion and beauty companies over the last 14 years. The path then led me to move to LA four years ago, to be CMO of Pac Sun. And then Michael Buckley [True Religion’s CEO] and I connected about a year and a half ago when he told me what he was doing in True Religion since he rejoined the team back in 2019.

Between his leadership and vision and my fellow senior leadership team members and an incredible marketing team, I really believe this company can be a billion-dollar-plus brand and have been excited to be a part of it since. 

IR: What is the key lesson that retailers need to keep in mind to not only authentically connect with the consumer but to keep up with their modern interests as well?

KD: I think the more you know about your consumers, the better. 

Our CEO did a consumer research study right before I joined, and it helped create the playbook for the marketing strategy going forward. 

I think it’s important to really understand what motivates them [the customer], what they’re fueled by, what they’re passionate about. 

We tap into our Team True [influencer program] members who are also consumers of the brand, and we are constantly asking them, almost like a focus group panel, ‘What do you think about this?’, ‘How about that?’, and ‘What are you into these days?’

All of that feedback is critical to make sure that we pick the right partners, whether that is with celebrities or media partners and the proper [retail] activations, so that the brand is at the right time, at the right place to meet the consumer where they are.

IR: Between working for major companies like Coty and True Religion, you have been in the retail industry for over 15 years. What is it about this industry that has kept you so loyal?

KD: I love retail because it moves at the speed of light. You are constantly measuring sales across channels on a daily, if not hourly basis, and it is just a really exciting space to be in. 

The other reason is that the right clothes make you feel great and feel confident enough to go up on a stage. 

IR: What are the items in your business toolbox?

KD: It’s definitely music. I joke that right before a board meeting or a big presentation, I’ll listen to some kind of pump-up song. It’s usually rap and it just gets me excited and ready for whatever it is that I’m walking into. 

IR: What piece of advice would you give to people just starting out on day one of their retail journeys?

KD: Keep in mind, grit and grace. 

As you know, the retail industry can be a bit of a roller coaster, especially with everything that’s happening economically in the world, so grit is a critical [trait] to have. 

You’re also going to have some great days and many not-so-great days, so you will need grace to handle the strength and pressure of it all. 

IR: During the panel at the 2024 Retail Influencer CEO Forum, you remarked that you were personally a fan of True Religion back in high school. What does True Religion mean to you on a personal level?

KD: It reminds me of how I loved my high school and college days. 

The brand represents a sense of fondness and fond memories and it’s just really nice, to have my own full-circle moment like Quavos [one of the brand’s celebrity spokespersons] and to be with a brand that I’ve loved for so many years.

IR: What was the last True Religion item that you purchased? 

KD: For one of the events [at Shoptalk Chicago] I wore one of our new holiday sweaters. It’s black, it says True Religion everywhere in white, it has a faux fur collar, and it is lovely and decadent. This item couldn’t embody us more if it tried. 

The post True Religion CMO Kristen D’Arcy shares her career journey and best advice appeared first on Inside Retail Australia.

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