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Construction begins on Dream’s new community in Ottawa

Image courtesy of Dream/Multifaith Housing Initiative

Dream, and its partner Multifaith Housing Initiative, recently celebrated the beginning of construction on Odenak, a development located in Ottawa’s LeBreton Flats.

Odenak is a partnership between Dream Unlimited Corp, Dream Impact Trust, and Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI), a non-profit housing provider. Named after the Algonquin Anishinàbe word for “community,” Odenak represents the importance of connecting people and creating community.

Designed by architecture and design firms Perkins&Will and KPMB, alongside Indigenous architecture firm Two Row Architects, Odenak focuses on creating a more inclusive and sustainable community, while also providing affordable housing.

The project, which will integrate affordable housing, green building practices, and comprehensive social programming, is planned to be one of Canada’s largest residential Zero Carbon Building certified developments. This community will be integrated into the LeBreton Flats Library Parcel, a 1.1-hectare site located on the western edge of downtown Ottawa.

Located at 665 Albert Street, the project will include two residential towers with 608 rental units, 251 of which will be dedicated to affordable housing. A significant portion of these units will serve priority populations such as Indigenous peoples, veterans, newcomers, adults with cognitive disabilities, and women and children, while at least 31 per cent will be accessible.

Designed to LEED Gold standards, it will also implement the One Planet Living framework, and is targeting an energy reduction of 45 per cent compared to typical buildings that meet building code.

“We are proud to work with the federal government, the City of Ottawa, and MHI to create an innovative financing model that will increase the number of affordable housing units from 20 per cent to 41 pr cent through a combination of Affordable Housing Fund and Apartment Construction Loan Program (ACLP) financing,” said Michael Cooper, president and chief responsible officer of Dream.

“This approach can be applied to other projects and increase the amount of affordable housing built in Canada. We are also proud to begin construction on this landmark project that will foster a culture of belonging and provide a sense of safety and community for over 1,200 people thanks to funding from the Dream Community Foundation.”

Odenak is a model for how housing can be built in partnership with the public and not-for-profit sector, all while achieving competitive returns for private sector investors.

The project will also honour the natural and cultural heritage of the Algonquin Anishinàbe people and will include a circular outdoor gathering space and other design elements inspired by Algonquin culture, with Indigenous signage and architectural details incorporated throughout.

The Dream Community Foundation will invest $150,000 annually over the next 20 years to support cultural, educational, and wellness initiatives for residents of all ages. Dream and MHI will collaborate to provide services such as after-school programs, fitness classes, and bicycle maintenance workshops to foster a vibrant and inclusive neighbourhood.

This project, which is located close to public transit, retails, daycare, and health services, is expected to be completed by the winter of 2027. Odenak was made possible thanks to more than $310 million in federal funding.

The post Construction begins on Dream’s new community in Ottawa appeared first on Canadian Architect.

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