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Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: November 22, 2024

Photo: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Today Venus and Saturn help you to strengthen and deepen your relationships. If you’ve been having problems lately, it’s a good time to initiate serious conversations and face any issues head-on; if you’ve been lonely, it’s a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your community. The planets won’t do the work for you today, but if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can find — or build — the love you need.

Aries Daily Horoscope


You sometimes feel like if you want to be loved — or noticed at all — you need to put on a big show, dazzling everyone with your wit or humor or energy. You worry that if you stopped for a moment, your friends would forget about you and new people would overlook you. But today, you might be feeling a bit quiet, and if you are, the best thing to do is go with it, and you’ll find that people are drawn to you even when you’re not performing.

Taurus Daily Horoscope


When you’re unsure about what to do next, sometimes the best course of action is to wait. Instead of rushing into action, it’s often better to do nothing at all while your path becomes clear. Just remember, today, that it’s possible to overthink it. The world is inherently unpredictable, and you’re never going to know what to do with 100% certainty. Right now, you might need to trust that you’ve done enough thinking, and at this point, the only way to figure it out is to start moving, with or without a plan.

Gemini Daily Horoscope


Sometimes you’re hesitant to be too upfront about what you really want. You worry that coming across as too ambitious will make others distrust you, or that if your friends discover that your dreams are bigger than theirs, it’ll drive a wedge into the relationship. But while there are times when it’s wise to hold back a bit, straightforwardness is probably the way to go now. Concealing important parts of your life will damage your relationships anyway, so you might as well be honest.

Cancer Daily Horoscope


People often talk about confidence like it’s something you inherently either have or lack. In reality, though, it fluctuates from day to day, hour to hour. No matter how much you believe in yourself, you’ll still go through periods of intense self-doubt. If you’ve been questioning your worth, today you’ll have the chance to build your confidence back up. And if you struggle trying to do so on your own, lean on your friends; they see the best in you when you can’t.

Leo Daily Horoscope


You work hard to earn the respect and appreciation of the people around you. You try to be funny and charming around new people, to be capable and organized at work, to be the sort of person others want to have around — and you’re probably successful. Sometimes, though, you forget you need your own respect and appreciation, too. Today, if you’ve been down on yourself, make an effort to remember what you like about yourself. Remember, too, that it’s not too late to become the person you want to be.

Virgo Daily Horoscope


Lately, your good judgment seems more important — and more rare — than ever. When you look around, it’s as though everyone else is constantly being swept away by bad ideas and bad actors, so you feel a responsibility to stay steady, smart, normal. But today, be careful not to be too self-serious. Good sense is necessary, but you’re allowed to get silly, to joke around, to laugh with your friends; it doesn’t mean you’re abandoning your duty to the world.

Libra Daily Horoscope


Some people seem content to mess around, wandering through life without a goal or a purpose. But you’re increasingly aware of how precious your time on earth is, and you’ve been thinking deeply about how you want to use it. Today, you might find some of the answers you’ve been looking for, especially if you talk with others you trust. You might be surprised that you aren’t the only one who’s been feeling this way, and together, you can find meaning.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope


If you want to change your life, you have to be willing to think outside the box and try odd things. The best ideas are often the most unconventional ones — but not always. Consider that the best strategy for this moment might be sensible, even boring. If you reject the possibilities that don’t seem exciting enough, you’ll end up accidentally throwing away some truly wonderful ones. Today, focus less on thrills and drama, and more on patience and determination.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope


The world is full of people who are confrontational or mercurial or critical. And while some might avoid them, there’s a part of you that enjoys the challenge of impressing a tough crowd or getting along with someone known to be a grump. Be mindful, though, not to put so much of your energy into proving yourself to those people that you end up neglecting the ones who already love and support you. They may not make a fuss about it, but they need your care and attention, too.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope


You’re often hesitant to share your work with others until it’s completed, polished, as close to perfect as you can make it. There’s something embarrassing about letting others see your half-baked ideas and unsuccessful first drafts; you worry they’ll think less of you if they can see behind the curtain. But today, try to get over that fear. Share your early attempts, your questions, your doubts. Your friends won’t judge you, and you may find that the joy of working together to solve your problems will be worth the anxiety of letting yourself be truly seen.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope


It’s a good day to meet new people, especially ones outside of your usual social circle — but just because you click with someone, that doesn’t mean you need to immediately bare your soul. You might need some time to warm up, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you force yourself to rush into anything you’re not sure about, or share things about yourself before you’re ready, you’ll only regret it in the long run.

Pisces Daily Horoscope


It can be hard to tell whether you talk or dress or act the way you do because that’s the real you, or if you’re only trying to fulfill everybody else’s expectations. It isn’t wrong to let the social world you live in shape your own actions — you don’t live in a vacuum — but today it might be useful to step back and think about what you might want if you weren’t being bombarded with messages about who you’re “supposed” to be. Maybe you’d do all the same things anyway — maybe, though, you’d want to live differently.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.


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