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Dozens of flights delayed, grounded and forced to turn back mid-air after Gatwick Airport evacuated

DOZENS of flights have been delayed, grounded and forced to turn back mid-air after Gatwick Airport was evacuated over “bomb” fears.

A “suspected prohibited item” was found in some luggage in the South Terminal this morning, with thousands of passengers now in limbo.

Gatwick Airport’s south terminal has been evacuated
X @Marco Pajo
Crowds of passengers are waiting in limbo[/caption]
Flights are being called back mid-air[/caption]
Passengers queuing up outside[/caption]

There is chaos in the skies as planes are forced to make U-turns or remain idling on the runway.

Holidaymakers have been ordered to “get out now and stay far away”, while trains are suspended to the UK’s second busiest airport.

Pictures and video footage show hordes of passengers waiting in the airport terminal.

Some have been left stuck on jets.

Serena Danna wrote on X that she and fellow passengers are “locked in the plane”, adding: “At the moment we only know that the bomb squad intervened and that train and car traffic are blocked.”

Cops scrambled to the South Terminal at 8.20am, while Explosive Ordance Disposal officers are also on hand as a “precaution”.

Spanish budget airline Vueling has ordered two flights from Barcelona to Gatwick, as well as a single flight from Seville, to turn around and return to their starting points.

The corresponding outbound flights to Spain will also be grounded.

Several flights on the South Terminal departures board are currently listed as being delayed, including the KM Malta 1155 to Malta (KM117), Air Baltic 1155 to Malta (BT6060), easyJet 1210 to Hurghada (EZY8745), easyJet 1230 to Rome (EZY6506) and easyJet 1250 to Antalya (EZY8555) – although more disruptions are expected.

The security threat comes just hours after bomb disposal cops detonated another suspicious package at the US Embassy in London.

But it is not yet known whether the two packages are linked.

A passenger earlier told The Sun: “Police are telling people get out now and get as far away as possible.”

The airport’s North Terminal is operating as normal.

And flights are still landing at South Terminal, the airport has confirmed.

Aviation analytics firm Cirium says 316 flights are still due to depart Gatwick Airport today. A further 318 flights are scheduled to arrive.

COMMENT: Gatwick Airport evacuation will have huge impact for holidaymakers

By Lisa Minot, The Sun’s Head of Travel

THE evacuation of Gatwick Airport’s South terminal will have a huge impact on the unfortunate passengers trying to fly in or out today.

A total of 316 flights were due to take off from the airport and 318 land throughout the course of today – a total of 122,050 seats – according to aviation analytics company Cirium.

The knock-on effect of the terminal evacuation will be felt throughout the day and into tomorrow as airlines are forced to deal with planes – and cabin crew – in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Although airlines will not have to pay any compensation for delayed or cancelled flights as this is a situation outside of their control, they do have a duty of care to look after passengers.

If your flight is delayed for more than two hours for short haul flights, three hours for medium haul flights and four hours for long haul flights then your airline should be providing you with food and drink, or vouchers to buy them.

They should also be providing you with accommodation and transport to and from the airport if your flight is delayed overnight. And they should also be reimbursing you for any costs for calls you need to make.

If your flight is cancelled, your airline should be making sure you are able to get to your destination as soon as possible, even if that involves flying on another airline.

With the chaos surrounding an airport evacuation, contacting your airline may be difficult.

If you have to buy food, drink or hotel accommodation yourself, make sure to keep all receipts and keep expenses reasonable – they won’t pay you for a champagne five course meal.

Posting on Twitter, Nick Meacham said: “Arrived at London Gatwick for routine connection.

“Got through customs to find out they’re evacuating the entire airport.

“Even people through security are being taken outside. Trains shut down and thousands of people all over the streets and car parks waiting.”

Another passenger tweeted: “Incredibly impressed with Gatwick Airport and their team… safely evacuated everyone from the terminal and now bringing gallons of water around for everyone.. top job!”

Passengers stuck on a flight at Gatwick
Dozens of flights are delayed
An emergency vehicle outside the terminal this morning[/caption]

Sussex Police said: “Police were called to the South Terminal at Gatwick Airport at 8.20am following the discovery of a suspected prohibited item in luggage.

“To ensure the safety of the public, staff and other airport users, a security cordon has been put in place whilst the matter is dealt with.

“As a precaution, an EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) team is being deployed to the airport.

“This is causing significant disruption and some roads around the South Terminal have been closed.

“We’d advise the public to avoid the area where possible.”

Gatwick Airport said: “The South Terminal has been evacuated as a precaution while we continue to investigate a security incident.

“Passengers will not be able to enter the South Terminal while this is ongoing.

“Safety and security of our passengers and staff remains our top priority.”

The airport added: “We are working hard to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.”

Train passenger information website National Rail Enquiries said: “The police are dealing with an incident at Gatwick airport.

“The station and airport are currently being evacuated.

“Services are able to run through the station and area but will not call at Gatwick airport at this time.

“Please avoid travelling to the station whilst this incident is ongoing.

“This is expected to continue until approximately 2pm.”

People waiting for courtesy buses to long-term car parks[/caption]
Passengers were told to ‘get out now and stay far away’[/caption]
The contents of the suspicious package remain unclear

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