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Up to 100 tourists downed shots in Laos bar before Brit Simone White drank ‘deadly methanol’ as tragic timeline emerges

As many as 100 tourists took shots in the bar of a Laos backpackers hostel just hours before several fell ill and six died including Brit lawyer Simone White.

Police have launched a probe and are questioning staff at a hostel where 100 guests were given free shots – in an effort to unravel the tragic case.

Simone White, 28, died after the tragic incident in Laos
Duong Duc Toan, a manager at Nana Backpackers hostel where some of the victims were staying
A warning notice displayed at the bar of Nana Backpack hostel this week[/caption]

It is not clear where the allegedly methanol-spiked drinks were consumed – or exactly how many unwell tourists remain in hospital.

Cops have detained the owner and manager of the Nana Backpackers Hostel in Vang Vieng – a popular tourist town where the incident happened last week.

Hostel manager and bartender Duong Duc Toan previously denied that any drinks served there could have made the holidaymakers ill.

But he said that free vodka shots were given to some 100 guests just hours before tragedy struck.

British woman Simone White, 28, is one of the tourists who died in hospital this week, along with two Australian women both aged 19.

Two unnamed Danish women, in their 20s, and an unnamed American man in his 50s died in Vang Vieng.

Those who were poisoned in the incident are believed to have been given drinks tainted with methanol.

The toxic chemical is sometimes used as a cheaper alternative to ethanol, but can cause severe poisoning or death.


Toan said that staff at the Nana hostel were told by other guests two women had fallen ill last week.

They were alerted when the Australian women, Bianca Jones and Holly Bowles, failed to check out as planned on Wednesday November 13.

Staff arranged for the women, both 19, to be transported to hospital.

Toan said that they had been among those offered complimentary shots of Lao vodka by the hostel as a gesture of hospitality.

They then went on a night out, he said, returning in the early hours of the following morning (Wednesday 13).

According to reports, Holly was taken to a hospital in Laos capital Vientiane, and Bianca sent to Bangkok Hospital in Thailand where she was put on life support.

Bianca died on Thursday November 21 – with her family saying she was on a “dream getaway with her best friend Holly”.

They said: “It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share the news that our beloved daughter and sister, Bianca Jones, has passed away.

“She was surrounded by love, and we are comforted by the knowledge that her incredible spirit touched so many lives during her time with us.”

Holly died on Friday, with her parents also confirming her passing.

Her dad Shaun told Nine News: “It is with broken hearts, and we are so sad to say that our beautiful girl Holly is now at peace.

“We find comfort and solace in knowing that Holly bought so much joy and happiness to so many people.”

Both families had flown out to the hospitals to be with their daughters before they died.

Melbourne teen Bianca Jones
Pictured: the Nana Backpacker Hostel


 A 28-year-old British woman, Simone White, also died from suspected methanol poisoning in Laos, the British Foreign Office said.

The lawyer, from Orpington, Kent, was travelling with friend Bethany Clarke who is also unwell in hospital.

Bethany posted a chilling message to the Laos Backpacking Facebook group last week after the pair fell ill.

She said: “Urgent — please avoid all local spirits.

“Our group stayed in Vang Vieng and we drank free shots offered by one of the bars.

“Just avoid them as so not worth it. Six of us who drank from the same place are in hospital currently with methanol poisoning.”

Bethany added that she was “very fatigued and then fainted, then just felt nauseous and then my liver started to shut down”.

She continued: “I got to the private hospital in time but underwent many infusions and tablets and days of recovery.”

It is not known whether the two women were treated at the same hospital.

Simone was confirmed dead on Thursday, hours after Aussie teen Bianca.

The Foreign Office confirmed: “We are supporting the family of a British woman who has died in Laos, and we are in contact with the local authorities.”

A statement from the law firm where Simone worked read: “It is with deep sadness that we mourn the tragic passing of our dear friend and colleague Simone White.

“Simone was a talented colleague with a bright future ahead of her and someone who epitomised (our firm’s) values.

“Our thoughts go out to all of Simone’s family, friends and those colleagues and clients who had the privilege to work with and know Simone. She will be sincerely missed.”

Bethany Clarke (pictured) spoke about the horror incident online
Bethany and Simone were on holiday together


Thai police spoke to Reuters after the death of Aussie teen Bianca – confirming on Thursday that she died from “methanol poisoning”.

An official said: “The physician who examined her said the cause of death was a methanol poisoning, from fake liquor.

“The amount of methanol in her body was high, leading to swelling of the brain.”

Meanwhile Thai police chief Phattanawong Chanphon said of Bianca’s death: “She was unconscious ever since she was picked up from Laos and never regained consciousness from then, even as she had received medical care.

“The cause of death is likely from the consumption of methanol from fake liquor.

“It’s poison and cannot be consumed.”

Bianca is the only one whose death has been confirmed as caused by methanol poisoning.

Around 12 other people, including Brits, are believed to still be seriously unwell.

New Zealand’s Foreign Ministry said one of its citizens was unwell in Laos and a possible victim of methanol poisoning.

Holly Bowles, 19, died on Friday


On Friday cops detained several members of staff at the hostel – with pictures showing health officials checking their documents and questioning staff at reception.

An unnamed tourism police officer in Vang Vieng told AP that no charges had yet been filed.

Staff at the hostel then confirmed the manager and owner were among those held by police.

Although still operating, the venue is not accepting any new guests.

Police have not yet named those detained for questioning or given an official comment on the development.

It is not entirely clear how many of the affected tourists were staying at the hostel – or if they all partook in the free shots.

Manager Toan has insisted that any tainted alcohol was not given to them at the hostel bar, and that they buy their products from a certified distributor.

He previously told AP “Right now the police [are telling] every hostel and hotel and bar to stop selling drinks in Vang Vieng.”

Health officials come out of Nana Backpackers hostel after questioning staff today
Officials check documents and speak to the hostel employees

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